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内容摘要: 北 京 师 范 大 学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文论  文  题  目 数据挖掘技术在国内房地产            ...

北 京 师 范 大 学

论  文  题  目 数据挖掘技术在国内房地产

学          号   201222030306   
研 究 生 姓 名          
          院    系    所 经济与工商管理学院
          专  业  方  向      工商管理    
          入  学  时  间    2012年 9 月   

年    月   日


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摘    要
     With China's rapid economic development has been rapid in recent years, China's real estate development, real estate has become a pillar industry in China, in addition to the real estate industry by the majority of people's attention, but also received the support of the cutting-edge technology, so real estate development of IT applications more quickly. Real estate market research is real estate development companies in order to make the right investment decisions and marketing decisions, and objective, systematic collection, collation, research, analysis of real estate market-related data and information, will be required to work it into the decision-making process information. Market research in the real estate industry was no longer confined to the application of data acquisition and simple induction, data analysis, decision support higher must be based on a greater number of "data message eleven eleven knowledge" on. Data mining as a check and understand large amounts of data in a systematic tool that can effectively help real estate companies to extract valuable information obtained from market research data. Data mining is introduced into the real estate market research in the field, parallel benefits attention.
     As competition intensifies, the real estate business in order to achieve competitive advantage in the early development of the project, must conduct a feasibility study on prices, products, etc., that is, to carry out real estate consumption forecasting. General real estate business is mainly done through a number of market surveys and simple data analysis to roughly determine the demand of consumers, the analysis is limited by the use of relatively monotonous and analytical tools, mainly using theoretical econometric methods and systems engineering the lack of other factors associated with the analysis, but not much use data mining techniques to analyze, but also did not form a complete model.
In this paper, data mining in the real estate market research in consumer research value characteristics, analyzes the data mining in real estate project development preliminary analysis of consumer research in the application of research to general class of data mining software SPSS for instance analysis tools, combined correlation analysis, statistical analysis, cluster analysis, data mining theory and methods in the real estate consumer survey data collected for analysis in extracting valuable information, practical examples of the use of some major real estate development of the domestic and the province in recent years data, more than 600 consumer questionnaires for analysis. Through examples of this paper, to explore the use of a set of data mining techniques, and effective system and model predictions for the real estate consumer, real estate project pre-feasibility analysis to provide good support.
Keywords: correlation analysis; data mining; Real Estate

目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
第一章  绪论 1
1.1研究目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究情况 2
1.2.1国外房地产开发数据挖掘的文献综述 2
1.2.2国内房地产开发数据挖掘的文献综述 3
1.3研究工作的基础 4
1.4研究的框架 5
第二章  相关理论 6
2.1房地产开发及房地产开发业 6
2.1.1房地产开发概念 6
2.1.2国内房地产开发发展情况 8
2.1.3房地产开发消费研究的重要性 11
2.2房地产开发消费研究方式 13
2.2.1房地产开发消费研究步骤 13
2.2.2房地产开发市场预测方法 13
2.3数据挖掘及数据仓库技术 17
2.3.1数据挖掘理论及技术 17
2.3.2数据预处理 21
2.3.3数据仓库 23
2.3.4数据挖掘软件 24
2.3.5数据挖掘在房地产开发中的应用 26
2.4房地产开发客户关系管理系统 27
2.4.1CRM系统的原理 27
2.4.2 CRM系统的应用框架 27
2.4.3 CRM在房地产开发客户研究中的应用 29
2.5本章小结 32
第三章  基于数据挖掘的房地产开发消费者行为分析 34
3.1研究对象 34
3.1.1房地产开发消费预测研究内容 34
3.1.2房地产开发消费研究的信息特点 35
3.2研究系统建立步骤 36
3.2.1确定挖掘目标 36
3.2.2数据收集及预处理 37
3.2.3建立系统 37
3.2.4验证分析 37
3.2.5输出结果分析 38
3.2.6实施与维护 38
3.3消费预测系统 38
3.3.2功能分析 39
3.4系统的设计 40
3.4.1市场分析模块 40
3.4.2项目测算模块 46
3.4.3可行性结论模块 46
3.5本章小结 46
第四章  基于数据挖掘的房地产开发客户关系管理应用 48
4.1数据挖掘与数据仓库 48
4.1.1数据挖掘的定义与过程 48
4.1.2数据挖掘技术 51
4.1.3数据挖掘在客户关系管理中的应用 54
4. 1 .4数据仓库(Data Warehouse) 57
4. 2房地产开发企业挖掘主题一客户信息 59
4. 3客户满意度指标 61
第五章  Zillow房地产开发公司数据挖掘应用实践分析 63
5.1研究对象说明 63
5.1.1实例概况 63
5.1.2分析工具 63
5.2房地产开发价格与宏观经济数据举例分析 64
5.2.1数据处理 64
5.2.2描述性分析 65
5.2.3相关分析 66
5.2.4二元线性回归预测 66
5.3房地产开发消费预测问卷分析实例 67
5.3.1问卷数据输入及定义 67
5.3.2选项关联性挖掘 68
5.4项目位置数据关联分析实例 73
5.4.1数据分类 73
5.4.2关联分析 74
5.5本章小结 76
第六章  数据挖掘在房地产开发行业运用的总结及对中国企业带来的思考 77
参考文献 78
致谢 81


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