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内容摘要: 北 京 师 范 大 学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文论  文  题  目 ZG招标公司的品牌定位分析学          号  &n...

北 京 师 范 大 学

论  文  题  目 ZG招标公司的品牌定位分析
学          号     
研 究 生 姓 名            
          院    系    所    经济管理学院  
          专  业  方  向     金融与财务   
          入  学  时  间    2012年 9 月   

年    月   日


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摘  要


ZG tendering company has been responsible for the World Bank since its establishment, the Asian Development Bank, IFAD and other international financial organizations, foreign governments, the Nordic Investment Bank, the European Development Bank and other foreign financial institutions and JBIC loan projects of international bidding and purchasing operations. Bidding projects involving energy, transportation, telecommunications, machinery, electronics, light industry, textile, science, education and many other fields, and achieved good economic benefits for the reform and opening up and economic construction and make a greater contribution. Business involving central highways, railways, airports, water, electricity, urban infrastructure construction, bidding and procurement of local key construction projects for China's reform and opening up and economic development has made important contributions.
With the deepening of China's reform and opening up and deepening of the market economy, the state management of the tender agent industry gradually relaxed, reduce market access barriers, including state-owned and private companies began to place a large number of the tender agent to enter the bidding agent industry, market competition intense, the company's traditional advantage in the market began to weaken, the core competitiveness of decline, "especially in recent years, although continuing to expand the overall size of the bidding agency business, but the whole industry has a low level of small-scale expansion trend, serious price competition, not only led to the company shrinking market share, but also a serious threat to the company's profitability and survival in the face of the continued deterioration of the external environment, the company's strategic restructuring carried out as soon as possible, in order to achieve further integration of enterprise resource advantages, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, has become the company the primary strategic task.
Firstly, through a competitive strategy Michael Porter's theory and SWOT analysis, a comprehensive analysis of China's bidding and purchasing agent market environment-related strategic theory mentioned in the text of our business development strategy analysis provides important support. This paper studies the development strategy of the company ZG tender will be mainly based on the strategic management model to analyze the company's strategic environment ZG tender, strategic resources, and strategic capacity to tender for the development of the company ZG establish appropriate strategies. ZG tender and the company's core competence to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the bidding company ZG explains the necessity for strategic transformation, not only that, we also out of people's inherent understanding of the industry, from the customer's point of redefining the bidding company ZG industry Department, for companies to show a broader world market. "on this basis, this paper draw on Blue Ocean Strategy theoretical research results, and the use of strategic map analysis tools, the system analyzes the company's transformation and innovative ZG bidding strategy options, clear ZG tendering company proposed to build a comprehensive service provider transformation of urban development strategies, and the development of specific and clear focus and market access paths, but also on the risk factors that may be involved in the strategic transformation were analyzed. Finally, from the ideological change, organizational protection, talent pool, financing capacity building, project management and risk management and control other aspects of the specific implementation steps.

Keywords: ZG tendering company, development strategy, strategic transformation, competitive strategy, Blue Ocean Strategy
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与研究意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2文献综述 2
1.3研究内容与研究工具 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究工具 3
1.4研究思路与框架 4
第2章 品牌管理的相关理论及文献综述 5
2.1品牌的内涵 5
2.2品牌的定位 6
2.3品牌的架构 7
2.4品牌的传播 11
2.5小结 12
第3章ZG招标公司经营环境分析 14
3.1招标代理行业发展综述 14
3.1.1行业产生背景与发展历史 14
3.1.2行业发展现状 15
3.2 ZG招标公司发展综述 16
3.2.1公司介绍 16
3.2.2公司招标代理业务概述 17
3.2.3招标代理业务价值链分析 18
3.2.4招标代理业务SWOT分析 20
3.2.5转型创新的必要性 21
第4章ZG招标公司品牌定位选择 31
4.1品牌定位现状 31
4.2品牌再定位 31
4.3企业转型战略选择 35
4.3.1产业价值链延伸机会 35
4.3.2转型战略选择 38
4.3.3战略路径设计 42
4.4能力匹配评估 44
4.5风险因素 46
第5章 ZG招标公司品牌实施步骤 48
5.1经营思想转变 48
5.2组织机构调整 49
5.3融资平台建设 49
5.4项目管理能力提升 50
5.5风险防范控制 51
5.6人才队伍建设 51
第6章结论与展望 52
6.1结论 52
6.2展望 52
致谢 56


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