In China, with the continuous increase in car sales and the gradual liberalizationof foreign stocks in the future, opportunities and challenges coexist for auto brands
As a pioneer of the new China automobile, FAW Group continued to deepen itsreforms and has achieved certain achievements in the development of the Hongqibrand Similarly, there are places worthy of improvement and improvement How toconduct marketing of Hongqi brand in the fierce competition of the currentpassenger car market has become an urgent problem to be solved
According to the analysis of the macro environment of the domestic automobilemarket, in terms of the political environment, China's policies in 2018-2019 haveboth favorable and unfavorable factors for the car market, with more favorablefactors From the perspective of economic environment, China's economic growth in2018 is stable, and the economic growth forecast in 2019 is sustainable From theanalysis of social environment, consumers tend to conform to the crowd, face savingand other consumption habits still exist, and the demand for technology, intelligentproducts gradually strengthen; In the technological environment, the technologicalinnovation ability of the automobile industry is constantly improved, and the rise ofthe Internet makes the marketing methods and methods more diversified Accordingto the analysis of the micro environment of the domestic automobile market, the newpower of new energy automobile enterprises of potential competitors are developingrapidly Existing large vehicle manufacturers and other traditional competitors salessteady, constantly launched new products, fierce market competition; Consumers'
demands for automobile brands, personalized appearance and safety are increasing
Master high-tech product suppliers with high bargaining power; Shared-travel companies are entering a mature stage and facing the threat of substitutes In general,the SWOT analysis is beneficial to the development of hongqi sedan in the carmarket under the conditions of multi-party policy support and sound economicoperation of the country, as well as the comprehensive understanding of advancedtechnical support and consumer demand Hongqi sedan has great advantages incorporate strength, brand recognition, etc, and has disadvantages in producttechnology compared with international brands The improvement of the externalenvironment for the Hongqi car sales created opportunities; Changes inenvironmental regulations and policies have threatened sales of fuel-efficient carssuch as the Hongqi Through SWOT matrix analysis, faw Hongqi H5 car marketingstrategy selection SO
Based on the above analysis, the Hongqi H5 sedan should adopt the followingmarketing mix strategy In terms of products, we can arouse Chinese people's deepfeelings for red flag and enhance the ability of brand premium through technicalbrand publicity, and increase consumer satisfaction through improving userexperience In terms of price, based on the analysis of the sensitivity of consumers toproducts, the high-end B-class car market has a price advantage over theinternational competitors, and the premium services and peripheral products areincreased In terms of channels, we should improve the channel construction andguarantee, establish the distributor management system, improve the channeloperation ability and guarantee the channel operation quality, so as to expand thedomestic market with high quality and efficiency In terms of promotion, we targetinternational brands from the perspective of consumers, pay attention to theimprovement of various services, conduct consumer market promotion based onexperience, conduct dealer business promotion based on support, strengthen internalpromotion, and use the Internet to increase a variety of promotion methods Inaddition, the implementation of the marketing strategy of Hongqi car also needs toensure the effective implementation of the marketing strategy from the developmentof human resources and talent training, guarantee the reserve capital and capital flow,guarantee product quality, ensure the supply of capacity, improve the process systemand strategic culture and other aspects
Keywords:FAW-Hongqi The sedan marketing Local brand The car marketMarketing strategy