

时间:2020/10/13 13:41:21  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘    要    近年来,计算机网络通信技术正经历着持续不断的发展,软硬件性能日新月异,促使金融业、商品流通业、交通运输业、旅游业等许多领域发生了极大的变革,人们的生活方式、消费方式也随之产生了巨大的变化。PO...

摘    要
因此本人结合公司人事管理的要求,对MS SQL Server2000数据库管理系统以及ASP应用程序设计进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成对pos管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。由于采用ASP技术构建,本系统既可以单机运行又可以在网络中运行,具有较高的适应性。

关键词:pos系统;查询;SQL Server 2000;ASP

    In recent years, as the continual development of web communication technology and capacity of h& s changed with each day, a great world of transformation has been taken in field of finance, commodity circulation, carrying trade, tourism and so on. It also causes the translation of people’s living and consumption styles. One of the most important fruition brought with the development of web tech is POS which emphasizes applying system based on storage. It has a great number of advantages such as new theories on design, explicit digital flow, especially the functional maturity, high effect and the easy to alter and expand.
    POS management system is a typical of management information systems. The invention includes two sides: the establishment and maintenance of background database and development of front-end applications. Database requires the establishment of data consistency and integrity of strong data security for the first, as for the latter demanding the functional application maturity, and easy to use.  
    I have a deep study and application in both MS SQL Server 2000 database management system and ASP applications design according to requirements of information management systems, the main job is to complete the analysis of the management system requirement, functional modules and database modeling, then design the structure of the database and application procedures. As constructed by ASP, this system can run not only in single computer but network as well with the high flexibility.http://www.16sheji8.cn/

Keywords: The POS system; Inquiry; SQL Server 2000; ASP

目    录
引    言 1
1. 管理信息系统 1
1.1. 管理信息系统概述 1
1.2. 管理信息系统的结构 1
2. 系统调查分析 2http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2.1. 系统初步调查 2
2.2. 可行性研究 2
2.2.1. 技术可行性 2
2.2.2. 经济可行性 3
2.2.3. 管理可行性 3
2.3. 开发工具 3
2.3.1.  ASP构建技术 3
2.3.2.  Microsoft SQL Sever2000 数据库管理系统 4
3. 系统详细分析 4
3.1. 应用需求分析 4
3.2. 系统模块划分 5
3.2.1.  系统功能模块划分示意图 5
3.2.2.  系统模块划分详细描述 6
3.3. 系统流程图 7
3.4. 数据库表设计 9
4. 系统设计实施 13http://www.16sheji8.cn/
4.1. 程序设计 13
4.1.1. 登陆 14
4.1.2. 管理员页面 15
4.1.3. 用户页面 18
4.2. 系统测试 18
4.2.1. 调试过程 19
4.2.2. 调试方法 20
结    论 20
参考文献 20
致    谢 21
声    明 22
引    言
    近几年随着计算机技术、网络技术的不断发展和普及。正是基于这种现状,我开发了这套pos管理系统,该系是以ASP构建技术为前台加上功能强大的SQL Sever2000作为后台数据库,充分发挥了计算机技术、网络技术的强大功能,从整体上改善了pos系统的管理工作,提高了系统服务的功能和质量,实现了pos系统的信息化、网络化、自动化。


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