摘 要
随着电子商务的不断发展和网络应用领域的不断扩大,现代化的企业也应该从多方面适应这个变化,同时充分利用电子商务提供的良好的平台完成高效率的商业运作,秉承着这个理念,本系统开发了基于ASP和SQL技术开发的网上订单系统。 其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前台应用程序的开发两方面。前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性、安全性的平台,而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备、易操作易使用。因此本系统是通过对SQL Server2000数据库管理系统、SQL语言原理、ASP设计平台,ASP连接数据库技术进行了较深入的学习和应用,主要完成了对网上订单系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计实现了该订单系统的数据流程与存储、网上购物订单、后台管理。系统运行结果证明,本系统所设计的网上订单系统可以满足购物者和管理员双方面的需求,也是特别为小型企业量身制定的一套电子商务管理系统,以期达到适合于小型企业运作及订单管理的目标,并对关键的有关技术作了较详细的介绍。
关键词:网上订单; ASP;数据库;购物车;电子商务
The Design and Development of Small Corporations Online Ordering System
With the constantly development of electrical business and extension of web applied realm, the modern enterprise also should apply this change and make fully use of electrical business which supply us the platform to complete the high-efficiency business operation, based on this principle, the article describe a On-line ordering system with ASP and SQL. It mainly includes the Back-stage database that should to safeguard and support and the front stage of applied procedure. The former wants to establish a consistency, integrity, and security data platform, while the latter demands a multifunctional and simple application. Therefore, the system came into being as a comprehensive application of the SQL Server 2000 database management system, the SQL language principles, the ASP design platform, as well as the ASP connecting database technology after the applications and the technologies were studied thoroughly. The demand analysis, the function modules categorization, and the database modes analysis were accomplished for the online order system. Thus, based on the previous projects, the online order system data flow and storage, the online shopping order as well as the background management were designed and realized. The operation results of the system proved that the online order system designed by the system is able to meet the requirements of shoppers and managers. It is a set of electronic commerce management system that is especially customized for small enterprises so as to reach the goal of being suitable for the operation and order management of small enterprises. The related critical technologies are introduced in detail.http://www.16sheji8.cn
Key words: online Shopping; ASP; database; baskets;Electronic business
目 录
1引言 1
1.1本课题的现状及发展趋势 2
2系统需求分析 3
2.1 可行性研究与计划 3
2.1.1 技术可行性分析 3
2.1.2 经济可行性分析 4
2.2 系统需求分析 4
2.2.1 业务分析及业务流程图 4
2.3系统开发相关技术 5
2.3.1 编程环境 5
2.3.2 开发平台 6
3 系统总体设计 6http://www.16sheji8.cn
3.1 系统总体结构 6
3.2 系统组成分析 7
3.3 系统功能分析 7
3.3.1系统主要功能: 7
3.3.2 前台显示 7
4系统详细设计 8
4.1系统数据库设计 8
4.2用户注册,登录和管理模块 11
4.2.1用户注册 11
4.2.2用户登录和注销 11
4.2.3管理员登录 12
4.3用户浏览,查找和选购商品模块 13
4.3.1查看商品详细信息 13
4.3.2分类查看商品 14http://www.16sheji8.cn
4.3.3商品搜索 16
4.3.4购买商品 16
4.3.5购物篮的实现 17
4.3.6收银台 18
4.4新闻管理模块 19
4.4.1添加新闻类别: 19
4.4.2删除新闻类别: 19
4.5用户订单管理模块 20
4.5.1查看所有待处理的订单 20
4.5.2确认订单 21
4.6用户投诉和处理模块 22
5 系统测试 22
5.1 系统测试原则 22
5.2 系统测试用例 22
5.2.1 硬件环境要求 22
5.2.2软件环境配置 22
5.3 测试的结论 25
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27
声 明 28