摘 要
十分典型的例子是我国的家电企业,短短十几年的时间发展成世界第一大家电生产国,但同时家电行业也进入微利时代,为了获得应有的利润率,一些成熟企业率先实施管理创新,如海尔、TCL在近年都成立了物流中心,投巨资上网。预计通过网上采购可以降低采购成本15%。作为一种衍生于MRPII的ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划)先进的企业管理方法和理论已为人们所逐渐了解,它超越了传统MRPII的概念,扩展了企业管理信息系统的范围,除财务、分销、生产制造、人力资源外,还集成了质量管理、决策支持等多个系统,是企业管理的整体解决方案,起到了提高生产效率、降低运营成本及优化生产能力的作用。
关键字:ERP(企业资源计划), MRPII(制造资源计划), 供应链管理, 请购
ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) which derived from MRPII(Maufacture Resource Planning) is now being known and accepted by majority people as a advanced means and theory for enterprise management. It surpasses the traditional conception of MRPII and expends the range of enterprise information management systems. Besides finance, venditon, manufacture, huaman resource, it is integrated with quality control, decision support and many other systems. So it is an integer enterptise resolvent which can improve manufacture efficiency, reduce management cost and optimize throughput.
Meanwhile the purchasing mode has changed ultimately. The right way of purchasing can help the enterprises that in the same supply chain improve their synchro running efficentcy. r enterprise management. It surpasses the traditional conception of MRPII and expends the range or enterprise management. It surpasses the traditional conception of MRPII and expends the range o This project used U8 systems as the studying object and I emphased on the purchasing sub-systterprises that in the same supply chain improve their synchro running efficentcy. This project used U8 systems as the studying object and I emphased on the purchasing sub-system. Through learned its design ideaology, I designed a preliminary system with the core fuctcion of purchasing.
Key Words: ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), MRPII(Maufacture Resource Planning), Supply Chain Management, Apply for purchasing
前 言.......................................................... - 3 -
第一章 系统开发背景............................................ - 4 -
1.1 传统的采购模式..................................................... - 4 -
1.2 供应链管理环境下的采购............................................. - 4 -
第二章 系统规划................................................ - 4 -
2.1 系统调研情况....................................................... - 4 -
2.1.1 系统目的...................................................... - 4 -
2.1.2 系统功能...................................................... - 4 -
2.1.3 名词解释...................................................... - 4 -
2.1.4 作业流程...................................................... - 4 -
2.2 系统分析报告....................................................... - 4 -
2.2.1 U8系统分析.................................................... - 4 -
2.2.2 模拟系统构想.................................................. - 4 -
2.2.3 模拟系统开发策略.............................................. - 4 -
第三章 系统分析................................................ - 4 -
3.1 可行性分析......................................................... - 4 -
3.1.1 管理上的可行性................................................ - 4 -
3.1.2 技术上的可行性................................................ - 4 -
3.1.3 经济上的可行性................................................ - 4 -
3.2 模拟系统业务流程分析............................................... - 4 -
3.3 数据流程分析....................................................... - 4 -
3.4 主要数据字典描述................................................... - 4 -
第四章 系统设计................................................ - 4 -
4.1 代码设计........................................................... - 4 -
4.2 功能结构图设计..................................................... - 4 -
4.3 物理配置方案设计................................................... - 4 -
4.4 输入输出设计....................................................... - 4 -
4.4.1 输入设计...................................................... - 4 -
4.4.2 输出设计...................................................... - 4 -
4.5 数据库设计......................................................... - 4 -
第五章 系统实施................................................ - 4 -
5.1 系统开发工具........................................................ - 4 -
5.2 程序代码设计........................................................ - 4 -
结束语.......................................................... - 4 -
参考文献........................................................ - 4 -
附录........................................................... - 4 -
前 言