

时间:2020/10/13 14:09:30  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要物业管理作为一个新兴行业,逐渐成为一个涉及社会方方面面,与千家万户息息相关的朝阳产业,目前正处于物业管理成长过程的关键阶段。随着住房制度改革的不断深化,住宅产权多元化格局已经形成,物业管理作为城市管理的一种新形式和市场经济条件下的新兴服务产业,经历了从无到有、从小到...

摘 要
我国加入WTO 后,物业管理标准化、科学化、规范化、国际化已是物业公司迫在眉睫的首要任务。通过提高日常物业管理工作中的科技含量,促进当前管理方式、管理手段的现代化,使物业管理能够适应现代科技和现代建筑技术的发展潮流,保持物业管理的高水平。因此对于整个物业管理行业来讲,仅靠简单的单向、手工管理已经不能适应物业管理需求水平的提高,必须走规模化,网络化的计算机综合管理道路。
关键词:小区物业信息管理;数据库;VISAUL BASIC;面向对象的程序设计

Property management as a new industry, has gradually become a social aspects involved, and tens of thousands of households are closely related to the Chaoyang Industry, is currently in the process of property management a critical stage of growth. As the housing system reform is deepening, residential property diversified pattern has been formed, the property management of urban management as a new form of economic and market conditions in emerging services industries, has experienced from scratch and from small to large process of development , Formed a multi-category, multi-level, multi-forms of property management situation, the initial establishment of a social, professional and market-oriented, operators of the new property management system.
China's accession to the WTO, property management standardized, scientific, standardized, international property companies is imminent priority. By improving the day-to-day management of the property in the scientific and technological content, and promote the current management, the modern means of management, property management to adapt to modern technology and modern construction techniques to the development trend and maintain the high level of property management. So for the entire property management industry in terms alone a simple one-way, manual management has been unable to meet property management raising the level of demand, we must follow the scale, the computer network of integrated management of the road.
     Accompanied by a domestic industry is increasingly becoming an important industry for the national economy, the property management industry's development will certainly have great development potential and broad development space. Along with the rapid development of property management, property management to the community, market-oriented and more specialized is an inevitable trend.

Key words:Community property information management;Database;VISAUL BASIC;Object-oriented programming


目 录
第1章 绪 论... 1
1.1 选题背景. 1
1.2 系统功能介绍. 2
1.2.1 功能要求... 2
1.2.2 功能要求... 2
1.3 开发平台. 2
第2章 可行性分析... 3
2.1 可行性分析. 3
2.1.1 技术可行性... 3
2.1.2 经济可行性... 3
2.1.3 运行可行性... 3
2.2 系统开发方案和目标. 4
第3章 系统需求分析... 6
3.1 需求分析. 6
3.2 数据流程图. 7
3.3 数据字典. 8
第4章 系统的设计... 10
4.1 系统的功能模块设计. 10
4.2 系统数据库设计. 10
4.2.1 数据库概念结构设计E-R图... 10
4.2.2 数据库逻辑设计... 14
第5章 系统的实现... 22
5.1 建立系统主窗体:. 22
5.2 住户资料管理窗体的设计:. 23
5.3 查询住户窗体的设计. 24
5.4 表格形式显示住户资料窗体的设计. 26
5.5 房产资料窗体的设计. 27
5.6 物业设备管理窗体的设计. 29
5.7 仪表数据管理窗体的设计:. 31
5.8 收费管理窗体的设计. 32
5.9 仪表数据统计窗体的设计. 34
第6章 系统维护与测试... 37
6.1 系统的运行. 37
6.2 系统的维护. 37
6.2.1 系统维护的内容... 37
6.2.2 系统维护的类型... 37
6.2.3 系统测试... 37
第7章 结 论... 38
参考文献... 39
致 谢... 40


                                                                                                                                                        第1章 绪 论
1.1 选题背景
1.        保证楼宇的安全使用,监督房地产产权人、使用人按有关规定使用房屋;
2.        保洁服务、维护公共环境卫生,包括打扫公共走廊、楼梯、通道、小区内道路、上下水道的清理、外墙、公共水池、水塔的清洗消毒以及清运垃圾等;
3.        对物业人员的合理化,统一化的管理;
4.        保安服务;
5.        物业管理区域内公共设施的使用管理、维修和更新,如绿化维护等;
6.        物业维修、更新费用的帐务管理;
7.        物业楼宇资料的保管等
8.        对业主资料以及收费情况的管理等。,所以就此物业管理内容的定位我开发此相物业信息管理系统。在实际开发的时候,上述内容根据开发的重点需要有所取舍。


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