

时间:2020/10/13 14:20:12  作者:  来源:  查看:28  评论:0
内容摘要: 多功能聊天软件的设计与开发        ——音频/视频聊天模块摘  要    随着互联网技术的飞速发展,基于网络的即时通信给人们带来诸多便利,也成为当今网络应用...

摘  要


Design and Development of the Multi-function Chat Software——Audio/Video Chat Module
    With the rapid development of Internet technology, the instant messenger based on network brings many conveniences to the people, also becomes the focus of network application in present. Chat is one of the most widespread instant messengers, may facilitate the people to carry on the online information exchange at anytime and anywhere, such as the QQ chat software of Tencent Company. This graduation project simulates QQ chat software, develops chat software, which includes the writing, file transfer, audio and video chat and so on.
    This design development uses the C/S structure, uses the C# programming language to carry on developing this software based on .NET environment. This paper first elaborates the development situation of domestic and foreign chats tool and the development direction nowadays, and has carried on the simple introduction to the development environment and the development language. The demand of multi-function chat software is analyzed in detail, and its plan is provided. It’s main functions include the writing, file transfer, audio and video chat and etc. This graduation project mainly realizes the partial functions of multi-function chat software, namely the audio chat, the video chat and so on, which mainly realizes the user registration, the user login, audio chat and video chat. Finally, this design integrates the functions that another schoolmate designs the writing and file transfer, which forms chat software of practical and full functions. This software achieves the anticipated target. Through the running, the test and analysis, it shows, this multi-function chat software is stable, reliable, and has some practical values.http://www.16sheji8.cn/

Key words: Chat Software; Video Chat; Audio Chat; C/S Structure; QQ Chat Software
目  录

1  引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外主要聊天工具的发展状况 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 2
1.4 本文的主要工作 3
2  需求分析及开发工具 3
2.1 需求分析 3
2.2 开发工具 4
2.2.1 C#语言的介绍 4
2.2.2 C/S结构的介绍 5http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2.2.3 开发环境 6
2.2.4 SQL Server 2000数据库介绍 7
3  多功能聊天软件的设计方案 8
3.1 聊天系统流程的分析与设计 8
3.2 注册模块的分析与设计 9
3.3 登录模块的分析与设计 9
4  语音、视频聊天模块的具体实现 10
4.1 Video for Windows简介 10
4.2 G729.dll的简介 10
4.3 LanMsgLibrary.dll的简介 11
4.4 语音、视频聊天的模块设计思想 11
4.5 视频聊天与语音聊天模块功能的具体实现 13
5  登录、注册模块功能模块及其它特殊功能模块实现分析 14
5.1 登录模块功能的具体实现 14
5.2 注册模块功能的具体实现 14
5.3 头像闪动功能的具体实现 15
6  系统的综合测试与分析 16
结    论 18
参考文献 19
致    谢 20
声    明 21
1  引言
  1.1 课题背景



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