

时间:2020/10/13 14:21:42  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要    随着网络的逐步普及,网上购物已经逐渐成为一种新的购物方式,并受到大家的认可。产品报价系统正是网上购物系统的一种,将产品报价与在线购物有机的结合在一起,能为用户提供一种全方位、高效率的服务。  &n...

摘  要
    经过对系统需求及功能分析,决定采用.NET平台,利用SQL Server 2000数据库技术并结合当今几大主流购物网站实际状况建立一个全新的报价系统。该系统包括两大功能模块:管理员模块、用户模块,实现了管理员对用户、商品、订单的全面管理,以及用户对商品的查询、订购功能。

Design of Product Quotation System Based on.NET
    Along with the development of internet, on-line shopping gradually becomes a new way of shopping and is accepted by more and more people. The products quotation system is one type of the on-line shopping system which combines products quotation with the on-line shopping, providing users an all-directional and high-effective service.
The products quotation system which is a new one was based on the platform of NET, using techniques of SQL Server 2000 database and combining the practical conditions of the present main shopping websites. It includes two functional modules: manager module and user module, which realize the whole controlling over users, goods and orders and the functions of checking goods information and ordering them of users. http://www.16sheji8.cn/
    Firstly, this paper defines the background and meanings of its development. And then it focuses on the process of realization through .NET technology, analyzing the processes of system, database design and functional design of the system in detail. During the development, it uses some front components to control the input information and check the information. It connects database through ADO.NET technology. During the analysis, it analyzes various data, laying out each functional module in detail and giving surface charts actives of main functions by data flow chart and systematical structure chart. Finally it achieves the due goal through the system checking.

Key words: Product inquire; Online Shopping; .NET ; Database
目  录

1 引言 1http://www.16sheji8.cn/
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 网上购物的现状 1
1.3 网上购物的前景 1
2 系统开发工具 2
2.1 .NET简介 2
2.2 C#简介 2
2.3 SQL SERVER 2000简介 3
3 系统需求分析 3
3.1 系统简要分析 3
3.2 系统开发计划 3
3.2.1 系统设计目标 3
3.2.2 系统的可行性分析 4
3.2.3 系统开发的设计思想 4
3.2.4 系统设计的总体规则 4
4 数据库设计 4
4.1 数据库的分析 4
4.2 数据库结构设计 5
5 系统功能设计 7
5.1 系统功能分析 7http://www.16sheji8.cn/
5.2 系统功能模块的设计 8
5.3 系统流程分析与实现 8
5.3.1 前台购物流程 8
5.3.2 后台购物管理流程 9
5.3.3 用户注册流程 9
5.3.4 用户登录流程 11
5.3.5 商品查询流程 13
5.3.6 商品管理流程 15
5.3.7 购物车流程 17
6 系统测试 18
6.1 用户模块 18
6.2 后台管理测试 20
7 系统存在的不足 21
结    论 21
参考文献 22
致    谢 23
声    明 24
1 引言
  1.1 课题背景



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