

时间:2020/10/13 14:21:43  作者:  来源:  查看:30  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要    当今,商品销售连锁店的发展给人们带来了诸多便利。服装连锁经营是这一传统商业模式中发展比较有代表性的一类,通过科学的管理方法和现代化的管理工具——计算机及其网络应用系统,能够规范经营中的各项管理、降低服务成本和提高服务...

摘  要
    本设计的开发是基于B/S结构,采用ASP.NET程序设计语言及SQL Server 2000数据库进行开发;论文首先阐述了基于B/S模式的服装连锁管理系统的开发,并对该系统进行了较详细的需求分析;然后探讨了该系统需要实现的设计方案,该系统主要包括总店系统和分店系统两个方面,总店系统主要用于对商品、各个分店等的管理,各个分店系统相互独立,主要用于对各分店的商品的销售及管理;最后,在测试与分析过程中,该系统表现出了运行稳定、可靠和实用等特性,具有一定的实用价值。

关键词: 服装连锁;管理系统;B/S结构;数据库;总店;分店
Design and Development of Management System for Clothing Chain Store
    Nowadays, people benefit a lot from the development of chain stores. Running clothing chain stores is a representative in the mode of traditional commercialization. It can regularize all kinds of managements, reduce the service cost and enhance the quality of service by scientific methods of management and modernized management tools—computers and network application system. It is hard for traditional handwork method to meet nowadays’ demand of development, in order to manage the sales of each chain store. Therefore, through employing network application system, chain stores distributed nationwide can greatly improve the management efficiency, mean while the application of these techniques is the inevitable trend in the information times.http://www.16sheji8.cn/
    This system is based on the B/S structure, applies ASP.NET programming language and SQL Server 2000 database to develop. This paper describes the development of clothing chain management system based on B/S, and the demand for this system is analyzed in detail. Then, the plan of this system is discussed. The system's basic function modules include the main store and the branch store system. Main Store system is mainly used for commodities, the management of each branch store system and so on. Each branch store is mutually independent, is mainly used to the sales and management of each branch store. Finally, through testing and analyzing, it shows this system is stable, reliable, and usability, which has some practical values.

Key words:  Clothing Chain; Management System; B/S Structure; Database; Main Store; Branch Store
目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 本课题研究的意义 1
1.3 本课题的研究思路和方法 1
1.4 本文的主要工作 1
2 开发工具介绍 2
2.1 ASP.NET技术 2
2.1.1 .NET简介 2
2.1.2  ASP.NET技术简介 2
2.1.3  ADO.NET访问数据库的原理 3
2.2 SQL SERVER数据库 3
3 需求分析及设计方案 4
3.1 需求分析 5
3.2 设计方案 5http://www.16sheji8.cn/
3.2.1 系统功能 5
3.2.2 系统结构 6
4 具体设计流程及实现 7
4.1 数据库设计 7
4.2 编码实施 8
4.2.1 Web.config的配置 8
4.2.2 首页用户登录页面 9
4.2.3 信息的查看、修改和删除 10
4.2.4 信息的添加 13
4.2.5 购买查询部分 15
4.2.6 结纳款部分 15
5 系统运行及测试与分析 16
5.1 运行环境 16
5.2 系统的运行 16
5.3 测试与分析 19
结    论 19
参考文献 20
致    谢 21
声    明 22http://www.16sheji8.cn/
1 引言
  1.1 课题背景



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