

时间:2020/10/13 14:24:13  作者:  来源:  查看:31  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要 网上选课系统中将定义多个用户控件,分别用来实现选课系统的人员管理、课程管理、选课班级管理、信息统计管理、学生班级管理、成绩评估功能。主要由学生、教师、管理员三种身份实现管理,每种身份拥有不同的权限实现各自的功能。系统管理员作为后台系统的管理者...


Online selection system will be defined in a number of user controls, respectively, to achieve the elective system management, curriculum management, elective class management, information statistical management, student class management, performance evaluation function. Mainly by the students, teachers, administrators, three kinds of identity to achieve management, each identity has different permissions to achieve their respective functions.
System administrator as the background system administrator, with the largest functional permissions, with the maintenance system, the system content updates, the latest news release features: modify, delete, increase user information: the system administrator through this feature can query, Modify, delete, delete students and teachers information; add, delete the course: the system administrator in the background of the semester elective courses can be increased, delete the modified course information: the system administrator can set the maximum number of elective courses, course time, Course address, course instructor, course credits, course instruction.
Teachers: teachers as a lecturer, with the personal information query and modify the function of the query function, the end of the performance evaluation function, message discussion function; query, modify personal information: teacher users can log in, modify personal information The Inquiry Course Information: Teachers can inquire about the time of their course, the address of the course, the number of classes, class information. Assessment: teachers at the end of the class can be assessed on the results of the class comments: teachers can and students to discuss the message.
Student users: students as the most important use of the system staff, online elective function, the personal information query and modify the function, message function; online elective: students log on the system, you can query optional course information and elective. Query, modify personal information: students can query their own information, and can modify the personal information. Message: you can talk with the teacher message.
Keywords: online elective, Web, ASP.NET, elective management

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