

时间:2020/10/13 14:24:35  作者:  来源:  查看:30  评论:0
内容摘要:     目  录   摘  要 I   ABSTRACT II   1 绪论 1    1.1 Internet简介 1    1.2 B2C网站简介 1      1.2.1 B2C网站功能 ...

    目  录
   摘  要 I
   1 绪论 1
    1.1 Internet简介 1
    1.2 B2C网站简介 1
      1.2.1 B2C网站功能 2
      1.2.2 B2C网站优势与劣势 2
      1.2.3 B2C网站开发特色 3
   2 B2C网站整体需求分析 4
    2.1 B2C网站的安全需求分析 4
      2.1.1物理安全与防火墙设置 4
      2.1.2 身份认证与访问控制 5
      2.1.3 SQL注入攻击的防范 5
    2.2 B2C网站数据库需求分析 7
    2.3 B2C网站用户需求分析 7
    2.4 B2C网站开发与运行环境需求分析 8
      2.4.1 Microsoft Visual studio 2005 8
      2.4.2  SQL Server 2005 9
   3 B2C网站的规划与设计 13
    3.1 B2C网站三层架构的设计 13
    3.2系统各个功能模块架构分析 13
    3.3 B2C网站数据库的设计 14
      3.3.1 B2C网站数据库流程设计 14
      3.3.2 B2C网站数据库概念设计 15
      3.3.3 B2C网站数据库概念设计 16
   4 B2C网站的系统实现 18
    4.1首页展示 18
    4.2会员登陆 19
      4.2.1 用户中心 19
    4.3 后台管理 20
   结束语 22
   致  谢 23
   参考文献 24
   附  录 25

    摘  要


关键字  信息系统开发/浏览器,服务器/动态网站/SQL

    Based on The . NET platform for the development of B2C site


Accompanied by computer technology in all walks of life increasingly widespread and in-depth applications, the concept of networks has win support among the people. Network in all walks of life development strategy occupies an important position, become an integral part of business. The propaganda of goods has not only confined to television and newspapers, the network has become the business to display self another stage. Merchants to set up a website, will promote all aspects of business and services displayed on the network, through the network can be realized as more online shopping, information search functions, these changes in our original mode of operation and management concepts at the same time, but also for business resulting in higher efficiency. Therefore, the businessman, owning a website belonging to self is crucial.
This paper studies a kind of online shopping system. Its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment, downstage page design Web. System uses Microsoft company to C # as the core ASP.NET language development tools, combined with Access to establish data connection. The use of its various components, in a short period of time to establish the database, the database analysis and the establishment of ASP.NET page, continue to improve, until the basic function of the realization of the feasible system.
This system integrated into the daily business of each link, make the management more standardized, but also to better service to customers, the system greatly improves the work efficiency, in order to bring better social benefit and economic benefit. The system uses ASP.NET and Access as the developing tool, the extensibility of.
Here, I sincerely thank for my graduation design for patient guidance teacher Kang Guolei, as well as on my thesis to help teachers and students.
   Keywords:   Information system,Browser / server,dynamic website,SQL


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