

时间:2020/10/13 14:45:59  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要    随着网络的逐渐普及,Email在人们生活中应用日益广范,除了专业的邮件服务系统之外,一般大型网站与单位都提供了email服务。因此,本次设计是通过对SMTP、pop3协议的熟悉和理解、以及对JSP编程和网页设计技能的...

摘  要
    随着网络的逐渐普及,Email在人们生活中应用日益广范,除了专业的邮件服务系统之外,一般大型网站与单位都提供了email服务。因此,本次设计是通过对SMTP、pop3协议的熟悉和理解、以及对JSP编程和网页设计技能的掌握,开发出一个简单的B/S结构下的邮件服务系统。能完成邮件的发送、接收、以及附件处理功能等。主要运用的软件有Eclipse, SQL Server,在JAVA环境下,利用JSP编程来实现邮件系统的各种功能。该系统主要支持用户的身份验证,用户只有通过正确注册后才能进入该系统。在系统中可以查看自己的邮件也可以发送邮件到任意的邮箱,发邮件的时候可以进行附件的发送。通过本次课题的学习和研究掌握了基本的web编程技能,更实践了自我的动手能力。同时认识到在信息化高速发展的今天,高效、快速、方便的邮件收发系统将得到越来越多的人关注和使用,它将给人们带来更方便快捷的生活。

关键词:   B/S;邮件系统;SMTP;POP3;JSP

The design and development of E-mail system based on B/S
    Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of the network, Email system is used widely more and more. Since the e-mail comes to our life, people do not just depend on the traditional letters, either. It’s reliable, fast, convenient and flexible, which makes people accept and use it widely. The graduation designment is a way to let us know how to develop an email system based on WEB. This system uses an agent mail which gets through SMTP and POP3 protocol to achieve the email system. It is similar to OUTLOOK which is based on WEB Service. The mainly used soft wares are Eclipse, SQL Server. Java is also used too, under which we can use JSP programming to achieve for various functions. This system supports users’ authentication. Before accessing the system, users must have a proper registration. In this system, users can not only check their mail but also send them to any mail boxes. When sending the e-mail, they can also send the attachment. During this period, not only can I deepen the understanding of professional knowledge, but also I practice my self-agility. At the same time, I realized that, with the rapid development of the informational technology, more and more people will be concerned with the efficient, fast and convenient mail system. After that, perhaps most of them will have a try. In a word, e-mail will make our life more efficient and convenient.

Key words: B/S; mail system; SMTP; POP3; JSP
目  录
1 引言 1http://www.16sheji8.cn/
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题研究意义 1
2 相关技术和开发平台 1
2.1 开发环境的选择 1
2.2 JSP技术 1
2.3 系统所需协议介绍 3
2.4 系统所需配置简介 3
3 系统需求分析与总体设计 5
3.1 系统设计目的 5
3.2 系统功能需求分析 5
3.3 系统总体构架 6
3.4 系统功能模块简介 6
3.5 数据库设计 7
4 系统详细设计及实现 7http://www.16sheji8.cn/
4.1 系统流程说明 7
4.2 用户管理模块 8
4.3 邮件发送模块 12
4.4 邮件接收模块 16
5 测试及问题分析 19
5.1 用户登录模块测试 19
5.2 发邮件模块测试 19
5.3 测试结果分析 19
结    论 21
参考文献 21
致    谢 22http://www.16sheji8.cn/
声    明 23
1 引言
  1.1  课题背景

    随着网络的逐渐普及现在的人们对于电子邮件已经不再陌生了,自从电子邮件进入人们的生活以来,人们对传统的信件已经不再依赖,它的可靠、快速、方便、灵活、廉价、内容丰富等特点都在使我们更加喜欢和接受它。近年来,电子邮件飞速发展,可以看到在比较专业、服务比较全面周到的网站基本上都有免费电子邮件服务。他们大部分都是通过各种软件进行开发的。而在当今很流行的Java技术中就包含有JavaMail API,它提供了大量的类和接口来与网络邮件传输。关于Jsp,最近两年,Jsp技术发展十分迅速,它的兴起让IT人员耳目一新,实现了长期以来的梦想。它的出现无疑是当今计算机技术通向计算时代的一个非常重要的里程碑。因此,本次毕业设计就是利用Java技术来实现简单的邮件发送和接收的功能。http://www.16sheji8.cn/
  1.2  课题研究意义


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