摘要:通过走访几家影楼同时在网络上搜索影楼管理现状,发现现阶段还是有很多的影楼管理还在使用人工管理的阶段,不仅效率无法满足需求,而且有些数据会在手工记载的时候丢失。已经远远落后于当今技术的发展。计算机信息管理在我们的日常生活当中的作用已经越来越加的明显,利用计算机来管理影楼的资源也更加的合理。为了实现婚纱摄影管理的高效、经济、合理性,亟需要开发一套婚纱影楼管理系统。 本系统采用B/S架构开发,配搭上JAVAEE平台,使用了MYSQL作为系统的数据库支持,其中还运用到了XML、JSP、Servlet等技术。实现了管理员、管理员角色、商品、订单、订单业务、套系以及客户信息等几大模块的管理功能。本系统界面设计良好,操作起来简单方便,易于管理者使用。完全能够适应婚纱影楼的日常接单流程,也能够很好的对影楼资源进行信息管理。
The design and implementation of
Ifamily Wedding Photography Plaza Management System
Abstract:Through visits to several studio at the same time on the network search studio management present situation, found that at this stage there are still a lot of studio management is still in use artificial management stage, Not only can the efficiency not meet the needs, and some of the data will be lost by hand recorded, far behind in the development of today's technology. Computer information management in our daily life role has been increasingly obvious, using computers to manage the studio resources is more reasonable. In order to realize the efficient management of wedding photography, economy, rationality, urgent need to develop a set of wedding photography management system.
The system uses the B/S architecture development, supplement the JavaEE platform, using a MySQL database system as a support, which also applied to the XML, JSP, Servlet Technology. To achieve the administrator, administrator role, commodity, order, order business, sets and customer information and other major modules of the management functions. The interface of the system is good, easy to operate, easy to use for managers.To fully meet the daily orders of the wedding process, can be very good for the information management of the studio resources.
Key words: Wedding Photography Management