

时间:2020/10/13 14:49:56  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 目录摘要 4Abstract 4第一章 绪论 61.1 课题背景 61.2 系统分析 6第二章 系统应用的关键技术 72.1 HTML概述 72.2 CSS(层叠样式表) 82.3 JSP简介...

摘要 4
Abstract 4
第一章 绪论 6
1.1 课题背景 6
1.2 系统分析 6
第二章 系统应用的关键技术 7
2.1 HTML概述 7
2.2 CSS(层叠样式表) 8
2.3 JSP简介 8
2.3.1 JSP的运行机制 9
2.3.2 JSP的优势 9
2.3.3 什么是JavaBeans 10
2.4 J2EE概述 10
2.5 MVC设计模式 12
2.5.1 MVC设计模式概念 12
2.5.2 采用MVC设计模式优势 12
2.5.3 MVC设计模式原理 13
2.6关于Struts 13
2.6.1 Struts简介 13
2.6.2 Struts的主要功能 13
2.6.3 Struts工作原理 14
2.7 关于Spring 15
2.7.1 Spring简介 15
2.7.2 为什么需要Spring 16
2.7.3 Spring带给我们什么 17
2.8 MYSQL数据库 18
2.9 Tomcat服务器 18
2.9.1 Tomcat 服务器简介 18
2.9.2 Tomcat的特点 18
2.9.3 Tomcat的优势 19
第三章 系统需求分析与设计 19
3.1 系统总体目标和需要解决的问题 19
3.2系统总体结构 19
3.3系统总流程图 20
3.4系统主要数据库表设计 21
3.5 数据库部分表 22
第四章 系统的详细设计与实现 24
4.1 系统的开发及测试环境 25
4.2 系统主要功能模块及源码 25
4.2.1 登录界面 25
4.2.2 学生考试界面 33
4.2.3 教师管理页面 35
4.2.4 管理员管理界面 38
4.3 系统的测试 41
第五章 总结与思考 41
5.1 工作小结 41
5.2 完成后的思考 42
附录 42
参考文献 44
致  谢 45

摘  要

    Online exam is a hot research and development stage. It is built applications on the Internet, the client configuration can be very simple, so that the examination without geographical limitations. A complete online examination system allows the user to the Internet after learning timely detection of their own learning, to find their own inadequacies, such that learning efficiency has been greatly improved. Online Examination System topic generated, submit papers, assessment scores can all be done automatically on the network. As long as the formation of a mature exam test automation can be achieved. As a result, teachers have to do is carefully designed questions, maintenance exam, instead of organization of the examination, thus greatly reducing the burden on teachers, which indicates that its economy is considerable. Online examination system with intelligent, automated, efficient, scientific and many other advantages, has broad prospects for development.
     The contents of this graduation project is to design and implement a web-based technology, online examination system, therefore the system mainly j2EE as a development foundation, the main use of Spring and Mybaits other protocols or technology, using eclipse as a development tool to MYSQL as the database to Macromedia's Dreamweaver interface as landscaping tools. The basic realization of main functional modules online examination system should include: administrator, log management and maintenance; student registration, login, logout, access to personal information, modification; teacher test management, test input, performance management. The system interface is simple, easy to operate, easy to maintain.
Key words: Spring; MYSQL; online test


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