
基于Java的益智小游戏 仿小人过河游戏

时间:2020/10/13 14:49:58  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要   “青蛙过河”益智游戏是使用Java语言开发的一款经典的益智游戏,它因操作简单、娱乐性强而广受欢迎。本文基于Java技术和eclipse开发环境,开发了一个操作简单、界面美观、功能较齐全的“青蛙过河”益智游戏。整个益智游...
关键词:Java  eclipse  青蛙过河  开发流程
     "Frogger" puzzle game is to use the Java language to develop a classic puzzle game, because it is simple, entertaining and popular. Based on Java technology and the eclipse development environment, the development of a simple, attractive interface, features a more complete "Frogger" puzzle game. Entire puzzle game program is divided into ten categories module, puzzle games start, pause, end, to achieve acceleration and deceleration. Through the development of this puzzle game, to learn Java technology and familiar with software engineering purposes.
     This article describes the Java-related technologies during the various stages of development, "Frogger" puzzle game the entire life cycle were described in detail. Firstly, the feasibility of the development of this puzzle game software; secondly, from the main interface aspects of puzzle games, etc., are analyzed in this puzzle game functional requirements; Then, the outline design and detailed design puzzler, this is also the focus of this paper. Outline design function is given two modules of the main frame and eight class module calling relations; detailed design emphasis is given each class module list of programs, describes the variables included in each class, the methods used, showing the puzzle game interface. In order to ensure the correctness of the program code and functions to achieve reliability, this article describes a puzzle game software debugging process and functional test results.
Keywords: Java eclipse Frogger development process

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