摘 要
本文从饭店和消费者的需求出发,旨在为中小餐厅实现自己的食品在线销售提供技术手段。本文通过对网络订餐系统进行需求分析,开发出一个基于B/S模式的网络订餐系统,实现了用户在线浏览食品信息、开通会员,在线提交订单等功能,管理员通过本系统可以添加食品及食品分类、管理用户、管理订单等功能。在系统的数据库方面,使用关系数据库管理系统Microsoft SQL Sever,使系统安全性能更高。同时采用当前正在流行的JSP并且使用Struts技术,实现了应用程序逻辑和页面分离使页面设计更简单并使用户界面更加完美。
The Design And Implementation Of Browser/Server-Based Online Reservation System
In the 21st century, with the rapid development of Internet, network application is becoming more and more widely. Such as e-commerce, online medical, online games and so on. This article embarks from the hotel and the demands of consumers, to small and medium-sized restaurant provide technology to implement your own food online sales.
With the improvement of people's living standard, demand for food is not only adequate food and clothing, a lot of people in the tension of the job choice food, spiritual enjoyment and relaxation. Traditional way of dining people often can appear to restaurants, queue or no position of the phenomenon. Illustrated so developed, information to be able to update and check the network reservation system has become a main way to solve the above problem.
This article through to the network reservation system needs analysis, develop a network reservation system based on B/S mode, realized the user browse food information, open membership online, submit orders online and other functions, the administrator can add food and food classification, through this system user management, order management, and other functions. In terms of system database, using relational database management systems (Microsoft SQL Sever, improves the performance of the system security is higher. At the same time using the currently popular JSP and USES the Struts technology, has realized the separation of application logic and page make page design more simple and user interface more perfect.
Keywords: online reservation;JSP;The struts technology
目 录