

时间:2020/10/13 14:51:16  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 基于J2EE的大型视频影音系统的设计与实现摘  要在众多的Web2.0应用和服务中,视频分享脱颖而出成为最新的爆发点。视频分享网站为用户提供视频上传、播放和分享服务,操作简单,传播方便,加上视频本身能带来丰富的用户体验,视频分享网站受到广泛欢迎。我们对系统体系结...


摘  要

在众多的Web2.0应用和服务中,视频分享脱颖而出成为最新的爆发点。视频分享网站为用户提供视频上传、播放和分享服务,操作简单,传播方便,加上视频本身能带来丰富的用户体验,视频分享网站受到广泛欢迎。我们对系统体系结构进行分析,对C/S、B/S两种结构进行了比较,根据系统目标的设计需求,从适用性、移植性等因素出发,选用B/S作为本系统的开发平台,服务器采用tomcat 6.0,数据库采用MySQL,使用Jsp开发。






Large Video Audio System Based on J2EE Design And Implementation


In many applications and services, Web2.0 video sharing emerged as the latest outbreak. Video sharing website to provide users with video broadcast and upload, sharing service, simple operation, convenient communication, add video itself can bring rich user experience, video sharing website is widely welcomed. We analyzed the structure of system of C/S and B/S structure of two kinds of comparison, according to the demand of the target system design, from the applicability, such as selection of B/S as this system developing platform, server, database by using MySQL tomcat 6.0, use the Jsp development.

Create a database is discussed in this paper, Data of add, delete, modify, query, Data statistic and classification problems. In system design, network communication function for users to watch video, the video message video message administrator management, provides the security, System design for file upload, download for users to upload video functions, provides the convenience, upload head, System was designed for the user, users can query relevant interested in video.

For video sharing website, and sustained growth of the Internet, the scale of the growth of broadband users compared with the more important, because the broadband users online appreciate more clearly for video content. The number of broadband users is growing even faster than the same number of Internet users in the growth of broadband users, thus increasing ratio, the latest statistics show that more than 75 percent rate. Increasingly popular video sharing broadband for website development has vital significance.

In 2005, China's video sharing before and at the initial stage, the market web quantity, small size, low traffic users, video sharing service of Internet users has won extensive understanding and accepting, website, commercial mode, affect blurred.

From 2006, video sharing entering into the market growth. This stage before after a period of marketing and service enhancement and users, video sharing website begin accumulating rapidly. Especially the million dollar level of risk investment has injected video sharing website, mainly the video sharing website of the market, and began to BaoFaShi growth, or the number of web users are increased dramatically. But by Google on YouTube 16.5 billion takeover of the day, will share the rapid development of web video push to unprecedented upsurge of height.

Keywords: video sharing website, Web2.0, Jsp, Tomcat

目  录


摘  要II


第1章 绪  论1

1.1 课题的提出1

1.1.1  Web2.0浪潮进一步影响全球互联网发展1

1.1.2  视频分享成为2.0浪潮的最新爆发点1

1.2 系统研究目的2

1.3 系统设计目标2

第2章 关键技术介绍4

2.1 网页制作工具——Dreamweaver4

2.1.1  Dreamweaver概述4

2.1.2  Dreamweaver简介4

2.1.3  Dreamweaver的作用4

2.2 数据库——MySQL5

2.2.1  MySQL的概述5

2.2.2  MySQL的特性5

2.3 开发语言5

2.3.1  JSP的基础——Servlet 技术5

2.3.2  JavaBeans技术6

2.3.3  JSP简介6

2.3.4  JavaScript简介7

2.3.5  AJAX、DWR框架简介7

2.4 网站开发工具——Eclipse7

2.5 免费服务器——Tomcat8

2.6 环境的安装与配置8

第3章 系统分析10

3.1 需求分析10

3.2 软件用例分析10

3.3 用例建模11

3.3.1  标识参与者11

3.3.2  用例图12

3.3.3  活动图12

3.4 分析类14

3.4.1  边界类14

3.4.2  实体类15

3.4.3  控制类16

3.5 系统结构选择16

第4章 系统设计19

4.1 系统结构图19

4.2 数据库E-R图19

4.3 数据库设计21

第5章 系统实现24

5.1 注册用户设计24

5.2 系统登录页面设计25

5.3 视频信息管理页面设计26

第6章 系统测试28

6.1 测试方案及测试用例28

6.1.1  登录过程测试用例28

6.1.2  用户信息修改测试用例29

6.1.3  数据录入测试用例29

6.2 测试结论29

第7章 结 论30


致  谢33






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