

时间:2020/10/13 14:52:40  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘  要随着城市现代化和智能化程度的不断提高,城市交通的通畅受到了极大的挑战,便利的出行成为越来越多人的追求,但目前的公交查询系统平台质量普遍不高,路线选择单一,信息更新不及时,查询效率不高等问题存在于多个影响力较高的应用中,对市民出行造成了较大困扰。该系统通过...

摘  要



[关键词] 城市公交查询系统;数据库;JSP;Mysql


With the continuous improvement of urban modernization and intelligence, the smooth flow of urban traffic has been greatly challenged, convenient travel has become the pursuit of more and more people, but the current public transportation query system platform quality is generally not high, the route choice is single. The problems of information updating and low query efficiency exist in many influential applications, which cause great troubles to citizens' travel. The system uses Java technology to establish a public transportation query platform which can solve the above problems. Set up a perfect public transportation inquiry system, highlight the intelligent presentation of public transport information. The platform implements user registration, login, and registration at the user side. The input of the terminal point, the display of the feasible route, the prompt after the route selection, etc. The background realizes the real-time update of the bus information, the record of the route selected by the user in a specific time period, the statistics of all the users' choice and feedback to the user. Its aim is to update public transportation information timely and accurately, to provide users with intelligent choice and humanized feedback. Background management function: mainly store complete bus information and record user information. Front desk information presentation: according to the starting point and the end point to provide all feasible routes and sites along the specific information to provide users with all travel options. Information feedback function: sent to the foreground by recording the user's choice Feedback on road conditions to alleviate congestion caused by high frequency selection of routes.

Through the connection between the database system and the software system, the software interface can observe and process the operation data, the internal business logic of the system is realized by the JavaBean component, the JavaBean component runs in the WWW server, and the user browser is returned through JSP. The system uses JDBC middleware to access the database, and the database server defines the transaction logic and data logic required by the platform. Because MySql is programmable, can use views to modify data, function is perfect, and many tutorials, easy to learn, so use MySql, to achieve database establishment, connection and maintenance work. MySq L also provides programmers with a handy integrated development environment.

00001Key words: City Buses inquiry system;Databases;JSP;Mysql

目  录

摘  要I


1 绪论1

1.1 项目开发背景和现状的研究1

1.1.1 开发背景1

1.1.2 研究现状1

1.2 项目开发目的与意义2

1.2.1 系统开发的目标2

1.2.2 系统开发的意义2

1.3 本论文研究的主要内容2

2 城市公交查询系统需求分析3

2.1 需求分析3

2.1.1 系统需求3

2.1.2 技术需求3

2.1.3 安全需求3

2.1.4 维护需求3

2.2 系统可行性分析3

2.2.1 技术可行性3

2.2.2 经济可行性4

2.3 功能分析4

2.3.1 查询功能分析4

2.3.2 数据的更新以及修改分析4

3 城市公交查询系统关键技术5

3.1 JSP技术5

3.2 Java Bean技术6

3.3 JDBC技术7

3.4 Struts2技术8

3.5 Hibernate技术8

3.6 JavaScript技术9

3.7 MVC设计模式9

3.7.1 模型(Model)9

3.7.2 试图(View)9

3.7.3 控制器(Controller)10

3.8 系统运行环境10

4 城市公交查询系统总体设计10

4.1 系统总体设计概述10

4.2 系统功能结构图11

4.3 系统流程图12

4.3.1 系统操作流程12

4.3.2 数据增加流程13

4.3.3 数据修改流程13

4.3.4 数据删除流程14

4.4 数据流分析14

4.5 业务流分析15

5 城市公交查询系统详细设计15

5.1 后台数据库设计15

5.2 系统模块设计18

5.2.1 注册与登录18

5.2.2 公交信息查询21

5.2.3 寻物启事和失物招领22

5.2.4 用户个人信息管理24

5.2.5 公交线路管理24

5.3 连接池配置25

5.4 SSH框架的整合26

6 城市公交查询系统调试与测试28

6.1 程序调试28

6.2 程序的测试28

6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的28

6.2.2 测试的步骤与内容29

6.2.3 单独对系统的测试30

6.3 测试分析30



附  录33

致  谢39



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