本文结合GIS的相关特点及功能,从多方面来展开对应急疏散方案的分析,包括构建城市交通网络图、构建城市建筑分布图层、统计主要建筑的人口等,具有一定的实践意义。通过对基于GIS 的城市应急疏散方案进行研究,更好把握最佳疏散方式和途径,以便为实际的应急疏散提供参考。
通过GIS建立城市应急救援系统,是多家城市达成的共识,其中的GIS系统以其混合数据结构和独特的地理空间分析功能独树一帜,使应急救援系统优势更加突出,功能倍增。本人主要完成了“基于GIS的城市应急疏散方案分析与研究”中的核心应用技术的研究与开发。首先讨论了建立应急指挥决策系统的必要性及GIS在应急指挥决策系统中的重要性,分析了国内外应急救援指挥系统的现状和发展,研究并解决了应急救援指挥体系中的主要关键技术,在此基础上结合中国铝业的实际情况,设计并实现了中国铝业应急救援指挥系统。系统采用B/S结构,选择Java语言与Oracle 10g为开发环境,采用了Struts架构和Hibernate中间件,按照软件工程方法,首先对系统进行了需求分析,并使用UML面向对象建模技术,逐步给出系统的用例图,然后通过将系统分为基础信息管理模块、方案管理模块、GIS模块、救援通讯调度模块和事故灾害分析模块五个主要模块进行了系统的总体设计和数据库的设计,最后给出了系统核心模块的实现。
According to the characteristics and functions of GIS,this paper analyzes the emergency evacuation plan from many aspects,including the construction of urban traffic network map,the construction of urban building distribution map,the statistics of the population of the main buildings,etc.,which has certain practical significance. Through the research on the urban emergency evacuation scheme based on GIS,we can better grasp the best evacuation mode and approach,in order to provide reference for the actual emergency evacuation.
It is a consensus reached by many cities to establish a city emergency rescue system through GIS. Among them,the GIS system is unique for its mixed data structure and unique geospatial analysis function,which makes the emergency rescue system more prominent and has multiple functions. I have mainly completed the research and development of the core application technology in "Analysis and Research of Urban Emergency evacuation Scheme based on GIS". This paper discusses the necessity of establishing emergency command decision system and the importance of GIS in emergency command and decision system,analyzes the present situation and development of emergency rescue command system at home and abroad,and studies and solves the main problems in emergency rescue command system. On the basis of the key technology,the emergency rescue command system of Chinalco is designed and implemented in combination with the actual situation of Chinalco. The system adopts the structure of B /S,chooses Java language and Oracle 10g as the development environment,adopts the framework of Struts and Hibernate middleware. According to the method of software engineering,the requirements of the system are analyzed firstly,and the object-oriented modeling technology of UML is used. Then the system is divided into five parts: basic information management module,scheme management module,GIS module,rescue communication dispatch module and accident disaster analysis module. The design of the system and the database are given. Finally,the implementation of the core module of the system is given.
Keywords: emergency rescue;case-based reasoning;emergency scheme;GIS