第1章 绪论1
1.1 选题背景1
1.2 项目的主要研究工作2
1.2.1 应用客户端程序及J2EE服务器2
1.2.2 WEB层组件2
1.2.3 客户层组件2
1.2.4 编写算法2
1.3 开发环境2
第2章 关键技术平台与理论介绍3
2.1 概念3
2.1.1 J2EE的概念3
2.1.2 JSP的概念及其特点3
2.1.3 Java Bean的概念3
2.1.4 Java Servlet的概念3
2.1.5 Session对象4
2.2 J2EE的结构4
2.3 J2EE的容器类型4
2.4 J2EE的体系与模式4
2.4.1 J2EE的体系(分布式计算)4
2.4.2 J2EE的模式4
2.5 JAVA三大框架5
2.5.1 Struts框架5
2.5.2 Spring框架6
2.5.3 Hibernate框架6
2.6 开发环境的搭建7
2.6.1 服务器配置7
2.6.2 Tomcat安装及配置7
2.6.3 数据库配置8
第3章 需求分析和可行性研究11
3.1 问题的定义11
3.2 需求分析11
3.2.1 需求分析的过程11
3.2.2 需求分析的方法12
3.2.3 本软件研究方法12
3.2.4 目标需求13
3.2.5 功能需求14
3.2.6 性能需求16
3.3 可行性分析16
3.3.1 经济可行性16
3.3.2 技术可行性16
3.3.3 操作可行性17
3.3.4 法律可行性17
第4章 系统总体设计18
4.1 系统需求19
4.1.1 系统需求描述19
4.2 系统功能20
第5章 系统设计与实现21
5.1 系统数据库设计21
5.1.1 系统E-R图21
5.1.2 数据库表设计22
5.2 前台页面管理24
5.2.1 注册与登录25
5.2.2 选择物品加入购物车27
5.3 后台管理31
5.3.1 修改密码32
5.3.2 商品管理33
5.3.3 订单管理39
5.3.4 留言管理39
第6章 系统测试与分析40
6.1 程序调试40
6.2 程序的测试40
6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的40
6.2.2 测试的步骤41
6.2.3 测试的主要内容42
第7章 安全性问题44
关键词 网上商城 秒杀 竞拍
Spike and Auction Design - B2C online auction-based system
Online Shopping Mall which is similar to real-world stores, the difference is the use of various means of e-commerce to reach virtual store selling process from buy to reduce intermediate links, eliminating transportation costs and agency in the middle of the post, created for ordinary consumption and increase market liquidity huge space for development. The best interests of consumers can also drive the development of the company and the business take off, guide steady and rapid development of the national economy, promote GDP.
This paper details the features have been implemented throughout the system. Maintenance functions to achieve a variety of goods; provides functional user message; user message function is mainly to collect user message, you can leave a message on the recommendation of user-supplied information or proposed to modify and improve the system; background management functions mainly administrator user maintenance work on the site; background management functions mainly includes the maintenance commodity function, see spike and promotions, view order functions, so do real-time updates, to provide users with more accurate information queries.
Key Words: Online Shopping Mall spike auction