摘 要
关键词:个人博客系统;B/S结构;SpringMVC;Spring ;MyBatis
blog comes into being under the influence of the spirit of freedom and sharing. The advent of blogs gives us more opportunities to present our views and information to others in our daily lives. Blog is open private space. On the Internet, you can express your thoughts and opinions. You can make all kinds of people on the internet.
The Internet has provided great help in all aspects of our. So the obvious trend is the emergence of the site. Personal blog system provides a good platform for setting up the image of the individual on the network.
JAVA is currently the most popular technology, J2EE (JAVA enterprise version) is very suitable for the design and implementation of Web applications. In addition, the current open source framework based on J2EE has been tested on the market, Java community is also very active. The purpose of this paper is to use J2EE technology to design and implement personal blog system.
Key words: Personal Blog System;B / S structure;SpringMVC;Spring ;MyBati
目 录
第二章 相关技术介绍2
2.1 B/S 简介2
2.2 JAVA 简介2
2.3 JSP 简介3
2.4 springMVC简介3
第三章 可行性分析4
3.1 技术可行性分析4
3.2 经济可行性分析4
3.3 操作可行性4
3.4 法律可行性4
第四章 系统设计5
4.1 系统总流程5
4.2 博主用例6
4.3 游客用例7
4.4 系统类9
4.5 E-R图11
4.6 系统表设计14
第五章 系统实现16
5.1 登录模块16
5.1.1 博主登录16
5.2 博客管理模块:19
5.2.1 博客查询19
5.2.2 博客新建21
5.2.3 博客修改23
5.2.4 博客删除25
5.3 博客类别管理模块26
5.3.1 添加博客类别26
5.3.2 修改博客类别28
5.3.3 删除博客类别30
5.3.4 显示博客类别32
5.4 评论管理模块34
5.4.1 审核评论34
5.4.2 删除评论36
第六章 系统测试38
6.1 前台模块测试38
6.2 后台模块测试38
致 谢42