此次码头船只出行及配套货柜码放管理系统的开发与设计将使用当前主流的编程语言Java来开发,采用流行的Java三大框架(Spring + Struts +Hibernate)实现出一个功能相对齐全、界面简洁、使用方便、用户体验度相对较高的码头船只出行及配套货柜码放管理系统。
Pier boats and supporting container stacking management system
With the development of globalization, the progress of the society, increasing terminal logistics, passenger transport, port operations will usher in new heights. Increase the terminal business, lead to increased personnel costs, staff workload. In order to solve the basic problem, emerge as the times require ships travel and related container stacking management system.
Development and design of the pier boats and supporting container stacking management system will use the current mainstream programming language Java to develop, using the popular Java three framework (Spring + Struts +Hibernate) to realize the function of a relatively complete, the interface is simple, easy to use, the user experience the ships travel and related container stacking management system the relatively high.
The system provides a ferry boats and supporting container stacking management system for the user, the system can manage users, management, management of container ships and so on, in addition to set up two kinds of permissions (administrators and staff), without permission of the user login and operation are not the same, lets the user feel a real ships travel and related container stacking management system.
The design follows the wharf business process, from a practical point of view, researches, repeated testing, to achieve the ships travel and related container stacking a functional management system, excellent stability.
Key words: System, Java, management, web
1 引言1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义1
1.2 国内外现状1
1.2.1 国外主要现状1
1.2.2 国内主要现状2
1.3 课题研究的目的及主要内容3
1.3.1 课题研究的目的3
1.3.2 课题研究的主要内容3
1.4 可行性分析3
1.4.1 技术可行性研究3
1.4.2 经济可行性研究4
1.4.3 操作可行性研究4
1.5 论文内容安排4
2 系统开发技术及环境5
2.1 java语言5
2.2 开发工具My Eclipse5
2.3 My SQL数据库6
2.4 JSP技术6
2.5 Servlet7
2.6 系统开发环境8
3 系统需求分析8
3.1 系统功能需求8
3.2 系统性能需求9
3.3 系统运行需求10
3.4 系统的用例分析10
4 系统的设计与实现12
4.1 总体设计12
4.1.1 软件结构设计12
4.1.2 数据库设计12
4.2 详细设计14
4.2.1 首页实现15
4.2.2 用户登录的实现16
4.2.3 用户管理的实现19
4.2.4 个人信息维护的实现20
4.2.5 船只管理的实现21
4.2.6 货柜管理的实现23
4.2.7 路线管理的实现25
4.2.8 船只分配路线的实现27
4.2.9 船只分配货柜的实现29
5 系统测试32