关键字: JSP;B/S三层架构;JavaBean;MYSQL5.0
The design and implementation of online snack sales system
Abstract:This article describes the online snack sales system throughout the development process, the use of domestic B2C mall to build the system model, and in accordance with the existing shopping system, the current design and development of network trading platform.
This paper focuses on the completion of the whole system, simulates a network transaction system with sellers, buyers and administrators. But this platform carries on the detailed division to the different user. The modules are enriched and optimized in function. Use the interaction between these modules to complete the transaction process of the whole article, providing consumers and businesses with convenient and quick business experience. The manual has briefly quoted the history and current situation of e-commerce, and also introduced the functions that the system needs to complete. It also gives a detailed plan for the completion process and the time of the whole project. Finally, the online snack sales system of the front application software are briefly introduced.
Online snack sales system to JSP as the main web development technology. The B/S three tier architecture is used as the basic framework of the development, and the encapsulation of the key parts of the system is processed by using JavaBean for consideration of system maintainability, coupling and security. The database adopts the MYSQL5.0 database which is convenient for later maintenance, Its own visual tools allow for rapid and accurate changes to the field.
Key Words:JSP;B/S structure;JavaBean;MYSQL5.0
目 录
1 绪 论1
1.1 开发背景1
1.2 国内外现状2
1.3 系统说明2
2 开发环境介绍3
2.1 JSP简介3
2.1.1 Java Server Pages的工作原理3
2.1.2 Java Server Pages的生命周期4
2.2 Servlet技术简介5
2.3 系统数据的介绍8
2.3.1 数据库的概念8
2.3.2 MySQL数据库简介8
2.4 系统运行环境配置9
3 总体设计10
3.1 功能分析10
3.3 数据流图13
3.4 系统结构分析13
3.4.1 逻辑结构13
4 数据库设计15
4.1 数据表的介绍15
4.2 用户模块设计概述18
4.2.1 系统原理18
4.2.2 用户模块的程序流程图19
5 详细设计20
5.1 前台20
5.1.1 会员登录20
5.1.2 会员资料修改22
5.1.3 购买商品22
5.1.4 查看订单23
5.1.5 交易记录24
5.1.6 商城资讯24
5.2 后台24
5.2.1 交易信息25
5.2.2 网站信息25
5.2.3 基础信息25
5.2.4 系统管理25
5.2.5 个人信息25
5.2.6 退出后台25
6 总 结27