
VC多媒体教学控制系统 -网络通讯平台的设计011

时间:2020/10/13 21:10:14  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要随着计算机及网络技术的日益发展,教学条件得到了很大的改善,但同时也带来了新的问题,如在教学过程中,教师不能随时监督学生。通过“教学控制系统”这个软件,我们可以通过网络来进行教学,引导学生的思路,让他们参与课堂活动。通过这个软件系统,教师可以将理论和实践教学结合起来。...

摘 要

关键字:多媒体   网络技术   教学系统

Along with the development of computer science and network technology, the educational environment and the device have been getting a great improvement. Meanwhile, more and more problems come into being. For example, during the course, teacher must think about how to organize the interactive between teacher and student in teaching? Teachers are often not able to know what problems the students are disturbing. By means of this software (or tool), called Multi-Media Education Control System (abbrev. MECS), we might organize a lesson in computer network, and properly control the thinking of students and allow student to take part in the procedure of teaching. After the aid of this software, teacher might organize the theoretic and practice teaching as a whole.
“The multi-media teaching control system" represents a kind of brand-new teaching method. By making use of this software, which basing on the existing computer network and equipments, teacher can supervise and control the student’s computer, broadcast multi-media information, and help students to master some software. This system shows us an advanced thought of digit and network technology, break down the limit of time and area. It not only carries out the traditional classroom teaching between teacher and students, but also matches the characteristics of computer teaching, which is said relaxed and interactive. It is a great progress, and break through the traditional teaching method.
Keywords:         Multi-Media        Network technology           Education System

摘 要- Ⅰ
Abstract II
第一章  前言- 1
1.1、提出问题- 1
1.2、相关概念定义- 1
1.2.1、完成端口(CompletionPort)-[5] 1
1.2.2、组播(MultiCast)-[6] 1
1.2.3、位图(Bitmap)-[7] 2
1.2.4、套接字(Socket) 2
1.2.5、控制命令(Control Instruction) 2
1.2.6、数据包(Data Package) 2
第二章 需求分析- 4
2.1、引言- 4
2.2、系统功能概述- 4
2.3、系统的体系结构- 4
2.4、数据流图- 6
2.5、数据字典- 7
2.6、系统模块划分- 8
第三章 总体设计- 9
3.1、软件的设计与规划- 9
3.2、软件设计的方法与内容- 9
3.3、系统功能结构图- 9
第四章 详细设计- 11
4.1 基础网络通讯模块的设计- 11
4.1.1 服务器端IOCP模型函数介绍- 11
4.1.2 服务器端IOCP调用流程图- 13
4.1.3 完成端口的初始化- 13
4.1.4 完成端口收发数据- 14
4.1.5 完成端口主线程- 15
4.1.6 客户端基础通讯程序图- 17
4.1.7 客户端初始化- 17
4.2 组播设计- 18
4.2.1 组播地址的选择- 18
4.2.2 组播调用流程图- 19
4.2.3 组播初始化- 19
4.3屏幕捕捉的设计- 20
4.3.1捕捉信息的结构- 20
4.3.2捕捉屏幕流程图- 21
4.3.3屏幕位图显示流程图- 21
4.3.4屏幕捕捉及发送流程图- 22
第五章 编码- 23
5.1 基础网络通讯模块主要编码的实现- 23
5.1.1 服务器端初始化- 23
5.1.2 服务器端主线程- 25
5.1.3 服务器端子线程- 27
5.1.4 服务器端收发数据的实现- 27
5.1.5 客户端初始化- 29
5.1.6 客户端收发数据的实现- 29
5.2组播设计主要代码的实现- 30
5.2.1组播初始化- 30
5.2.2组播事件处理- 31
5.3屏幕捕捉的实现- 32
5.3.1捕捉屏幕函数代码- 32
第六章 测试- 34
6.1、测试目的:- 34
6.2、定义- 34
6.3、测试中应注意的问题:- 34
6.4、主要测试实现:- 34
6.4.1 基础网络通讯平台的测试- 34
6.4.2 组播设计的测试- 35
6.5、测试总结- 36
第七章 参考资料- 37
7.1、本次设计主要参考如下资料:- 37
第八章 运行环境- 38
8.1、软件配置:- 38
8.2、硬件配置:- 38
第九章  致谢- 39
附 录- 40
英文文献:- 40
1、原文:-- 40
2、译文:-- 44

第一章  前言


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