

时间:2020/10/13 21:11:59  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: IE浏览器的设计与开发摘要谈到联网的计算机,就能想到它百纳海川的资讯,可以在网络的世界里找到自己想了解到的,自己想探索到的新知识,但是要想了解到这些资讯我们需要借助到一个工具,这就是我们每一个人都熟悉的----IE浏览器。技术的进步,离不开知识的传播。时代的需求就是我们的...

技术的进步,离不开知识的传播。时代的需求就是我们的责任,我们要抓住信息时代的脉搏,在Internet飞速发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,,从而倍受人们的重视。互联网上信息的查找又要通过浏览器的浏览来实现,所以希望通过对IE浏览器的模拟设计和实现来让大家对网络及网络资源搜索的认识以及浏览器的各个功能。此外。通过对Visual c++6.0软件的使用来实现web浏览器的模拟实现。同时将大学里面所学的相关知识有机的联系起来。

关键字:IE,Viual c++,浏览器
          IE browser design and realization
The PC is popular and the brilliant Computer-Culture is developing rapidly by drived of the Financial globalization,Assimilation of information and the Industrial knowledge-ization.Studying computer knowledge is becoming a consciousness action for many back-hoping people in the Boundary of the century.
There are many progresses in the information industry,the time of the network and so on.We can see that more person's work and life are never left by a computer.
It isn't left the spread of knowledge by technological progress.The demanding of the time is our responsibility.In the days of the internet developing fastly,we should catch the pulse of it,make the internet become a basilic channel that make people getting,issuancing and passing the news at a rapid rate.And then made the internet receives people's emphasis increasingly.One looking for the information by the browser's browsing,so I hope everyone should increasing the cognition of the network and all kinds of functions of the browser by my paper.Besides,the actualize of the web browser by Visual c++ 6.0 contacted the related knowledge studyed in the university.
Keywords:IE,Visual c++,browser
 目  录
1    绪论 1
1.1课题的提出 1
1.2浏览器的介绍 1
1.2.1 Avant Browser 1
1.2.2  Deepnet Explorer 1
1.2.3 微软Internet Explorer 2
1.2.4 Mozilla Firefox 2
1.2.5 Netscape Navigator 3
1.2.6 Opera 3
1.3本文的主要内容 3
2  Visual C++应用平台 5
2.1 Visual C++的引论 5
2.2 Visual C++界面元素 5
2.2.1 MFC Studio窗口元素 5
2.2.2 类视图(ClassView) 7
2.2.3 资源视图(ResourceView) 8
2.2.4 工具条 9
2.3  Visual C++的资源 11
2.4  Visual C++应用程序类型 13
2.4.1 单文档界面应用程序 13
2.4.2 多文档界面应用程序 14
2.4.3 基于HTML文档的应用程序 15
3 IE浏览器的初步设计 17
3.1浏览器的实现技术 17
3.1.1 ActiveX技术综述 17
3.1.2 ActiveX概要 17
3.1.3 ActiveX的内容 17
3.1.4 ActiveX与Java的比较 18
3.1.5 Internet Explorer和Netscape Navigator 18
3.3. ActiveX控制和Internet 18
3.4 ActiveX脚本描述语言 18
3.5 ActiveX服务器框架 19
3.6 ActiveX控制在WEB上的应用 19
3.7 IE浏览器的实现步骤 19
3.8 小结 23
4  浏览器详细设计 24
4.1 浏览器部分代码分析 24
4.2  浏览器实现的图片显示 29
5 总结 32
6 开发体会 32
7 致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录 35
附录A 35
附录B外文翻译-译文部分 42
附录C 49


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