With the development of the Internet, security control equipment must be installed to ensure safety when the network involves a different level of trust. These control device are almost always some kind of firewall. With the growing problem of network security, the most users are increasingly concerning about network security products. Firewall, which is not only the first network security products but also has the most users, has been favored by users and R&D institutions. The personal firewall used in PC has largely become the protector of individual users’ security.
This article describes the development of personal firewall status, some technical characteristics of VC++6.0 and the MFC program, then gives a detailed introduction and description of a packet-filtering-based individual firewall’s development. A simple personal firewall development process can be clearly seen through this article. In the firewall, users can set their own filtering rules, in order to attain the filtering with different source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port and protocol. Program can be minimized into the system tray icon, protecting user in the background. It allows users to save the current rules into a file as *.rul. The rule file can be imported when needed. The firewall also allows users to make the program initial when system starts and start filtering when the program starts, which makes the firewall more convenient.
Keywords:Personal Firewall, Packet Filter, Network Security, MFC
1 绪论1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究意义2
1.3 课题内容3
2 包过滤防火墙技术4
2.1 包过滤防火墙技术简介4
2.2 防火墙包过滤技术的特点5
2.3 包过滤防火墙工作原理6
2.4 数据包过滤技术8
2.5 数据包过滤类型8
3 系统设计14
3.1 设计概要14
3.2 选项功能17
3.3 界面控制18
4 系统实现20
4.1 规则基本操作20
4.2 启动过滤24
5 总结25