Face recognition is to input a face image or video, first determine whether there is a face, if there is a face, then give the location of each face, size and the location of the main facial organs information. According to these information, the identity features contained in each person's face are further extracted and compared with those in the known face database, so as to identify the identity of each person's face. The process of face recognition can be divided into the following three parts: (1) face detection: to determine whether there is a face in the input image, if any, to give the location and size of each face; (2) facial feature location: to find the face. (3) face comparison: according to the result of facial feature localization, the identity information of the face is judged by comparing with the face in the database. Obviously, face detection is the first step to solve these problems in any automated system. In this paper, we distinguish face recognition from face location because the latter is a simplified problem of the former. Therefore, the focus of this paper is on the face testing method.
Keywords: face; Video; Retrieval; recognition
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