

时间:2020/10/13 21:25:01  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 基于局域网的信息收发系统的设计与实现摘  要    网络通讯在当今已经不算新鲜事物,但大多数网络通讯都需要借助Internet上的服务器,这就给那些具有大规模内部网络的用户造成了许多问题,如浪费网络资源、遭遇到网络攻击、传播的病毒、...

摘  要

The Design and Implementation of Receiving and Sending Information System Based On LAN
    The network communication in already did not calculate the new things now, but the majority network communication all needed to draw support from on Internet the server, this gave these to have the large-scale internal network user to create many problems, like waste network resources, bitter experience to network attack, dissemination virus, destruction defense system and so on. Because on the interconnection network communication facilities the interior communication have brought inconveniently for the enterprise, therefore in order to facilitate internal network between user's communication, needs to develop one based on the local area network information receiving and dispatching system instant message facilities, realizes carries on the information in the internal network the exchange. This topic design mainly aims at the local area network communication to develop the design, uses is the C/S structure, realizes the unicast, the broadcast as well as the online user demonstration and the examination historic record function using the Delphi programming tool, and drew support from some network communication module, the success realization on the local area network instant message. The present paper altogether divides into six parts. The first part is the topic background and the research significance; the second part is the rationale knowledge which utilizes; the third part is this system demand analysis; the fourth part is the system structure and the module design; fifth is the implementation and the test situation; finally is this design conclusion summary and the part reference.http://www.16sheji8.cn/

Key words: Instant message; C/S structure; Unicast; Broadcast; Historic record
目  录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 2http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2 理论基础 2
2.1 C/S软件架构技术 2
2.2 用户数据报协议(UDP) 3
2.3 单播(UNICAST) 3
2.4 广播(BROADCAST) 4
3 需求分析 5
3.1 现行业务系统描述 5
3.2 现行系统存在的主要问题分析 5
3.3 提出解决方案 6
4 系统设计 6
4.1 系统总体架构 6
4.2 界面设计 7
4.3 系统功能模块设计 9
4.3.1 网络组件 9
4.3.2 用户信息显示功能 10
4.3.3 局域网内实现单播功能 14
4.3.4 局域网内实现广播功能 17
4.3.5 历史信息记录功能 17
5 系统实施及测试 18
5.1 实施概况 18
5.2 测试方案 19http://www.16sheji8.cn/
5.3 测试结果 21
结    论 22
参考文献 22
致    谢 24
声    明 25
1 引言
    1.1 课题的背景



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