摘 要
关键词:可编程;并行接口; 仿真实验平台; 仿真
A Visual Design for Peripheral Interface Chip
As the technology developing, the use of computer is becoming more and more widely. Due to this fact, the parallel interface which mainly used for greatly increasing speed of data transfer, has driven a lot attention. It makes the computer kits setup and use much easier, also with no number restriction. We get it worked much better in common use by studying and researching the principle of it.
In this design, take parallel 8255A chip for example, study its inner structure, understand the interface selectiveness and transmission way with CPU. Parallel interface achieve the data transmission between bit and I/O devices using more than one data wire, which is suit for short distance transmission. Come to a direct display of its functionalities with VC virtual platform by visual design.
Data and code in every computer parts, describes itself by combination, the function is invisible. By make a programmed of software on the platform, in order to show the parallel interface logic by using computer graphic technology. Also make it available for adjusting and research.http://www.16sheji8.cn/
Key words: programmable; parallel interface (peripheral interface); virtual platform; simulation
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2实验平台介绍 1
1.3 项目要求 2
1.3.1 功能要求 2
1.3.2 实验环境 2
2 8255芯片主要功能及特点 2
2.1 并行接口的主要特点 2
2.2 8255芯片的内部结构 3
2.3 8255芯片的引脚 3
2.4 8255芯片的控制字及三种工作方式 5
2.4.1 工作方式控制字 5
2.4.2 8255芯片的工作方式0: 5
2.4.3 8255芯片的工作方式1: 6http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2.4.4 8255芯片的工作方式2: 8
2.5 8255芯片与外设的连接 8
3 本课题研究方法 9
3.1 设计思路 9
3.2程序效果图 9
3.3部分代码简要说明 11
结 论 14
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
声 明 16
1 引言
1.1 课题背景
随着微型计算机(简称微机)应用的日益广泛和深入,接口技术有了迅速的发展,并已成为直接影响微机系统功能和推广应用的关键。从硬件的角度来看,微机的开发与应用,在很大程度上就是微机接口电路的开发与应用,因而,微机接口技术成为涉及本专业的大学生和科技人员必不可少的基本技能。而要掌握好这一技能,就必须理论联系实际,加以强有力的实践性环节与理论知识配合。然而,目前在计算机实验教学中,由于实验仪器复杂,精密和昂贵,往往不允许自行设计实验参数,反复调整仪器,这对剖析仪器性能和结构,理解实验的设计思想和方法是很不利的,在本次设计中主要应用了VC实验平台来进行仿真实验。虽然仿真实验并不能代替做真实的实验 ,但对培养理论联系实际,增强分析与解决实际问题的能力也十分有利,并且更加直观。