【摘要】:个人理财管理系统是基于Android系统开发的一款手机应用程序。它主要是为了满足人们在快节奏的生活中可以随时记下自己的收支情况的需求。个人理财管理系统与传统的记账方式相比,体现了它的便捷性、安全性及可扩展性。系统采用Eclipse+ Android Developer Tools作为开发工具,以SQLite为数据库。系统功能包括:用户账户的注册、用户切换、用户名密码修改、账户删除,语音识别记账,收入信息的增删改,支出信息的增删改,收入类型的增删,支出类型的增删,收入信息分类统计,支出信息分类统计,收入支出总额统计,数据还原、清空等等。系统具有界面简洁鲜明、功能便捷易用、操作人性化等特征。
Personal Financial Management System Design and Implementation
Abstract:Personal financial management system is based on the Android system developed a mobile application.It is mainly to meet those people who want to write down their income and expenditure more quickly and conveniently in the fast-paced life. Compared with the traditional method, Personal financial management system reflects more convenience,security and scalability. Especially in this day and age, people are on the side of the phone. System uses Eclipse and Android Developer Tools as a development tool and SQLite as the database. Android technology is now very mature, we can easily develop.Personal Financial Management System of the main functional modules,including: user account registration, user switching, username password changes, account deletion, Income information management,Expenditure information management,voice recognition accounting,Type of income management, Expenditure Type Manager, Income information classification statistics, expenditure information classification statistics, total income and expenditure statistics,Data reduction, data emptied and so on. The system has a simple and clear interface, easy-to-use features, user-friendly operation and other features
Keywords: Revenue and expenditure management;Android;SQLite;
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