基于 Android 的网上影院售票系统
随着 21 世纪互联网以及移动互联网的高速发展,手机可以进行支付,社交,
生活服务等功能。在众多的手机系统中, Android 系统是人们使用最多的移动操
作系统。本课题主要研究基于 Android 的网上影院售票系统用以改善传统电影售票
本系统采用 Bmob 云数据和 Sqllite 开发,使用 MVC 设计模式完成整体代码的
编写,界面使用 ViewHolder 和 View 注入框架,提升了安全性。座位图使用矢量图
绘制,SparseBooleanArray 存储,这使得整个系统更流畅,更稳定。用户可以使用
安装在手机上的 App 在线查看影片,预定场次和座位,同时可在订单中支付和消
使用了自定义 View 和下拉刷新等技术,让用户有良好的体验。最终实现了一款可
Movie Ticketing System Based on Android
Internet and mobile Internet high-speed development In the 21st century, mobile phones can pay, communication, provide life services and other functions. In many mobile phone systems, Android system is the most people use the mobile operating system. This topic focuses to develop a Movie Ticketing System Based On Android in order to improve the efficiency of traditional movie ticketing mode. Traditional movie ticketing is the way consumers go to the cinema, live line up to buy tickets, waiting for the film to start soon. This will lead to more people queuing too long time, the user time and effort to experience poor, or even the situation that the movie ticket is sold out to leave the theater, we wasted too time.
The system uses Bmob cloud data and Sqllite development, the use of MVC design pattern to complete the preparation of the overall code, the interface using ViewHolder and View injection framework to enhance the security. The seat map uses vector drawing, SparseBooleanArray storage, which makes the whole system smoother and more stable. Users can use the App installed on the phone to find the movie online, pay or order schedule and seat. In addition, we add the film review function, so that users can find the film more information. The system uses a custom View and drop-down refresh technology, so that users have a good experience. Online booking of mobile applications will provide convenience for everyday life.
Keywords: Android, Ticketing Online,Cinema System
4.3.2Java 反射机制加载电影图片23