关键词 Android平台;房屋出租;Java开发语言;MYSQL数据库
Design and implementation of HouseRentApp
based on Android
The rapid development and popularization of network technology, made a large number of web applications came into our life, but these kind of applications can not be used anywhere, has been gradually unable to adapt to people's needs, the limitations are large. With the emergence of mobile devices, the development of technology has emerged a new direction, a variety of mobile client was born,and quickly spread to all ages among the crowd. This system describes the design and implementation process of the housing rental software under the Android platform, which aims to make people enjoy a variety of basic functions of the housing rental website on the mobile device, and the purpose of this system is to design the housing rental software, The design uses the MVC software development model, the client is the implementation of the use of java-based Android technology to complete, and the management website use the SSH framework to design completed, and we use MySQL database to storage our data,which is easier to use and lightweight. Android client finally achieves six funcitions:the user registration login, popular housing, surrounding houses, my memo, message information, personal management and other functions; management website finally achieves the user management and housing information management functions in two parts. In the design and implementation process, I adhere to the principle which is" clear function, intuitive interface",and pay attention to enhance the user experience. Combined with the user's habits and the use of the tendency of mobile client, this form of housing rental information system, fully meets users’ needs, it must can be more close to the user's habits, and provides useful information .
Keywords:Android platform; housing rental; Java development language; MYSQL database
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