摘 要
The era is developing, technology is progressing, the Internet has changed the whole world. All walks of life are seeking their own growth points in this Internet age, and people's daily life is becoming more and more inseparable from the Internet.Taking renting as an example, the rental industry has been under constant impact, and more and more young people have chosen to choose housing on the Internet. However, online information is mixed and data sources are numerous. How to improve the user experience of renting has become a problem worth discussing. As a research direction, this paper designs and implements a renting information crawling system based on Python open source crawler framework scrapy, and crawls several web sites on the Internet. With the city as the distinction, the data of multiple sites are stored in the unstructured database, and then the database is used as the connection to develop a renting data display system based on the python open source web framework Django. At the same time, we can visualize the data of rental housing.
Keywords: scrapy;Django;NoSQL DB;Data visualization
目 录
摘 要I
1 绪论1
1.1 研究背景及需求分析1
1.2 国内外研究现状2
1.2.1 爬虫技术概述2
1.2.2 爬虫设计者面临的问题与反爬虫技术现状4
1.3 研究目标及研究内容6
1.4 论文的整体结构7
1.5 本章小结7
2 相关理论及技术8
2.1 robot协议对本设计的影响8
2.2 爬虫8
2.2.1 工作原理8
2.2.2 工作流程8
2.2.3 抓取策略9
2.3 python发展现状9
2.5 scrapy架构10
2.5.1 scrapy:开源爬虫架构10
2.6 MongoDB数据库13
2.6.1 NoSQL数据库介绍13
2.6.2 MongoDB数据库介绍13
2.7 python web框架Django14
2.7.1 Django框架介绍14
2.7.2 MTV模式14
2.7.3 ORM模式14
2.7.4 template模板语言14
2.7.5 Django工作机制15
2.8 semantic UI开发框架15
2.8.1 semantic介绍15
2.8.2 semantic开发16
2.9 高德地图API16
2.10 本章小结16
3 系统分析与设计17
3.1 系统分析17
3.1.1 系统功能17
3.1.2 爬取对象分析17
3.1.3 模块设计18
3.2 数据流19
3.3 系统总体逻辑层次20
3.4 本章小结21
4 爬虫与数据存储、展示的具体实现22
4.1 爬虫模块22
4.1.1 环境搭建与前期分析22
4.1.2 爬虫规则预处理模块23
4.1.3 数据抓取模块24
4.1.4 数据存储模块29
4.1.5 反反爬虫模块30
4.2 数据库设计34
4.2.1 数据库环境搭建34
4.2.2 数据库表设计35
4.3 数据展示模块35
4.3.1 django环境搭建35
4.3.2 前端UI模块37
4.3.3 网页架构搭建模块39
4.3.4 前端与数据库连接模块41
4.3.5 地图展示模块42
4.4 开启Django服务器43
4.5 成果展示43
4.6 本章小结45
5 系统测试46
5.1 测试环境及工具46
5.2 系统功能性测试46
5.2.1 数据爬取功能测试46
5.2.2 数据展示测试49
5.3 系统非功能性测试49
5.4 本章小结49
6 总结与展望50