

时间:2020/10/14 8:50:15  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 题目: 热管油压机模具结构及加热系统设计             学  院     机械与汽车工程学院             专  业    ...

题目: 热管油压机模具结构及加热系统设计



           学  院     机械与汽车工程学院 
           专  业        机械电子工程    
           学生学号      200730021495    
           提交日期   2011年  6 月 8 日 


摘  要








   The thesis mainly introduces the detailed process of the heat pressuring mould and heating system specially designed for a THO-104-10T oil hydraulic press in GuangDong Newidea Patent Development co.,Ltd. Since the designed heat pressuring mould should mutually coordinate with the THO-104-10T oil hydraulic press, the whole designing process is carried out in the factory. Meanwhile, the actual production will be participated in order to better understand the factory's production condition as well as improve the practical capabilities.
    The design mainly consists of two parts:the design of mold and the design of heating system. The thesis starts with a brief introduction of the production condition in GuangDong Newidea Patent Development co.,Ltd; next will be the explanation of the working situation and operating requirement of the oil hydraulic press; then comes the preliminary design proposal, which is given out after comprehensively taking into account the mutual coordination of the mold structure and the heating system; following will be the schematic circuit diagram and operating principle of the heating system together with model numbers of all electrical apparatus element involved; last will be the use testing of the mounted mold and heating system of the oil hydraulic press, besides, the improvement advice concerning all problems existed in the process will be put forward.
    All the engineering drawing of the design for the THO-104-10T oil hydraulic press will be given to the Shenzhen,Taiwan,Hong Machinery Co.,Ltd for production and installation. The electric control panel in the factory will be used as the electric control panel of the heating system. The circuit element of the heating system will be purchased and thereafter be installed.
   The testing results show that the mold and heating system designed for the THO-104-10T oil hydraulic press can satisfy the production demand and the operating condition of the factory. However, there are still many weak points waiting for improvement, which will be clearly stated in the thesis. Suggestions for improvement will be included as the reference for the next design.

Keyword: THO-104-10T oil hydraulic press, mold design, heating system, installation testing

摘  要 I
Abstract II

第一章  设计背景及意义 1
1.1  广州新创意专利发展有限公司简介 1
1.2  设计的目的和意义 1

第二章  任务分析及设计方案 2
2.1  任务分析 2
2.1.1 工作情况分析 2
2.1.2 模具结构部分 2
2.1.3 加热系统部分 3
2.2  设计方案 3
2.2.1 模具结构部分 3
2.2.2 加热系统部分 4

第三章   模具设计 5
3.1  上下模具材料 5
3.1.1 3Cr3Mo3W2V钢成分及性能 5
3.1.2 3Cr3Mo3W2V钢热加工工艺过程 6
3.2  模具上螺栓的选定 9
3.2.1 法兰盘连接螺栓 9
3.2.2 固定螺栓 10
3.3  模具结构设计 10
3.3.1 法兰盘与中架 10
3.3.2 铜套 11
3.3.4 下模(加热模) 13
3.4  隔热材料的选定 15
3.4.1 陶瓷纤维密压板简介 15
3.4.2 陶瓷纤维密压板物理化学参数: 16
3.5  模具的装配 16

第四章 加热系统 18
4.1  电路原理图 18
4.2  电路元件型号 19
4.2.1 控制电路元件 19
4.2.2 电线选定 20
4.3 安装调试 22

第五章 安装测试 24
5.1  安装 24
5.2  改进方案 24

结束语 26
参考文献 27
附录 29
附录一:法兰盘工程图 29
附录二:中架工程图 31
附录三:铜套工程图 33
附录四:上模工程图 35
附录五:下模(加热模)工程图 37
致谢 39


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