

时间:2020/10/14 8:50:54  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 烧结机台车车轮端盖冲压工艺及模具设计摘    要本设计是对烧结机台车车轮烧结机台车车轮端盖产品图进行冲压模具设计。冲压工艺的选择是经查阅相关资料和和对产品形状仔细分析的基础上进行的;冲压模具的选择是在综合考虑了经济性、零件的冲压工艺性以及复杂...

摘    要


    This design is a sintering machine trolley wheels sintering machine trolley wheel cover products stamping die design diagrams. Stamping process is by choice and access to relevant information and on the basis of a careful analysis of the shape of the product performed; stamping die selection is based on comprehensive consideration of the economy, the process of stamping parts and the complexity of other factors on the conduct of ; blank computing products launched in the convenient size of a building without affecting the molding premise simplified model of the familiar. The paper also choose the method of selection principles and stamping parts and other related parts are described, and also introduces some reference to the shape of the blank launched several products sizing methods and simplified model, as well as stamping die design requires the use of Check method books.

Keywords: technology, process, stamping process, stamping dies, rough Expand Size

目    录
摘    要 - 1 -
Abstract - 2 -
前    言 - 4 -
第一章  零件图及工艺方案的拟订 - 5 -
1.1零件图及零件工艺性分析 - 5 -
1.2工艺方案的确定 - 6 -
第二章   工艺设计 - 8 -
2.1 计算毛坯尺寸 - 8 -
2.2确定排样和裁板方案 - 9 -
2.3 工序的合并与工序顺序 - 10 -
2.4  计算各工序的压力 - 11 -
2.5  烧结机台车车轮端盖的选择 - 13 -
第三章  模具类型及结构形式的选择 - 14 -
3.1  落料、拉深、冲孔复合模的设计 - 14 -
第四章  模具工作零件刃口尺寸及公差的计算 - 15 -
4.1  落料、拉深、冲孔复合模 - 15 -
第五章  模具零件的选用,设计及必要的计算 - 18 -
5.1落料,拉深、冲孔复合模 - 18 -
5.1.1凸模 - 18 -
5.1.2凹模 - 19 -
第六章  烧结机台车车轮端盖的校核 - 25 -
6.1  落料、拉深-冲孔模烧结机台车车轮端盖的校核 - 25 -
第七章  模具的动作原理及综合分析 - 26 -
第八章  凸凹模加工工艺方案 - 28 -
8.1凸模,凹模加工工艺路线 - 28 -
8.2模具的装配 - 33 -
总    结 - 35 -
致    谢 - 36 -
参考文献 - 37 -


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