

时间:2020/10/14 8:58:26  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 二维硬态切削过程的有限元仿真摘   要   本文提供了一个用聚晶立方氮化硼刀具(PCBN)切削淬硬钢的有限元分析模型。该模型基于自适应网格技术和大变形技术,从而解决了在切屑变形过程中由于网格变形过大出现的网格畸变问题。在模拟切屑形成的过程中,使用了纯粹...

摘   要

关键词 切削仿真;ABAQUS/Explicit 软件;自适应网格技术;二维直角切削



2D Cutting Process of Processing and FEM
   This paper presents a FEM simulation model for the analysis of cutting hardened steels using Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride(PCBN) tool. The model is built on an adaptive meshing approach and deformation technique which solves the excessive mesh distortion problem due to large deformation existing in the chip formation process of cutting. In modeling the chip formation, a pure deformation technique is employed to address the deficiency of the conventional FEM model built based on chip separation criterion. This method not only eliminates the need of the use of the chip sepration criterion and a pre-defined separating line, but also achieves a more realistic and reasonable chip formatin process. In this paper the different tool geometrical parameters’ effect upon cutting forces is simulated using commercial FEM code ABAQUS/Explicit. It establishes the emulation of tool cutting process in 2-D orthogonal cutting and plane strain condition, calculates the analytical models and compares the results, achieves a considerable reasonable geometrical parameters and morphological features of chip formation during hardened steel cutting process, which agrees well with the previous experiments. This has a instructional significance in the optimization of tool edge design and helps cutting the cost.

Keywords Cutting simulation; ABAQUS/Explicit; Adaptive meshing technique; 2-D orthogonal cutting


目   录
摘   要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1 课题来源 1
1.1.2 课题的研究的背景和意义 1
1.1.3 课题的总体内容 1
1.2 超硬刀具材料发展状况 2
1.2.1 概述 2
1.2.2 超硬刀具材料发展概况 2
1.2.3 PCBN刀具的性能及应用 3
1.3 有限元仿真技术在切削加工中应用 6
1.4 有限元仿真技术发展状况及前景 8
1.4.1 ABAQUS 8
1.4.2 几种有限元软件的发展和比较 11
1.4.3 国内外有限元软件的发展与现状 12
1.5 本章小结 13
第2章 有限元方法简介 14
2.1 有限元法分析问题概述 14
2.2 平面问题的有限元法 16
2.3 ABAQUS/Explicit分析的基本原理 16
2.3.1 切屑成形仿真 16
2.3.2 稳定时间限定值 17
2.3.3 接触和摩擦分析 17
2.3.4 自适应网格技术 18
2.4 本章小结 20
第3章 ABAQUS的仿真建模 21
3.1 金属切削过程描述 21
3.2 ABAQUS仿真模型的建立 21
3.2.1 总体模型 21
3.2.2 材料特性 23
3.2.3 边界条件 23
3.2.4 划分网格 23
3.2.5 提交作业 24
3.3 模型子程序 24
3.4 本章小结 30
第4章 ABAQUS的仿真计算分析与结果比较 31
4.1 倒棱角度对切削力的影响 31
4.1.1 实验参数 31
4.1.2 切削过程的模拟结果 31
4.1.3 工件切削区域的应力分布 32
4.1.4 切削力影响分析 34
4.2 刀具进给速度对切削力的影响 35
4.2.1 实验参数 35
4.2.2 工件切削区域的应力分布 35
4.2.3 切削力影响分析 35
4.3 正交切削实验 37
4.3.1 实验条件 37
4.3.2 正交高速硬态切削实验 38
4.4 本章小结 40
结论 41
参考文献 42
致谢 44
附录 45


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