

时间:2020/10/14 9:16:28  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘        要 本次设计的题目是平远街~锁龙寺高速公路11合同段庄田段改地方路1(K0+288.50)预应力混凝土T型梁桥的设计。本设计采用预应力混凝土T型梁桥,跨径布置为(4×20)m...

摘        要
1.  桥型方案比选;
2.  桥型布置,结构各部分尺寸拟定;
3.  选取计算结构简图;
4.  恒载内力计算;
5.  活载内力计算;
6.  荷载组合;
7.  配筋计算;
8.  预应力损失计算;
9.  截面强度验算;
10. 截面应力及变形验算;
11. 下部结构验算。

关 键 词:预应力混凝土    T型简支梁桥   重力式桥墩  重力式桥台

This design is of the same section about the PingYuan Street~SuoLong Monastery 11 free way contracts to local farmland Road 1 (K0+288.50) Prestressed Concrete t-shaped supported beam bridge design.
The bridge belongs to the prestressed concreted structuer which is a simple supported beam bridge.The span arrangement is (4×20)m.The superstructure is variable T shaped supported beam bridge.The height of the girder on the support is1.33m,and the height of the middle is 1.33m too.The pier is gravity pier. The abutment is gravity abutment.
This essay focuses on the design and calculation process of the bridge.Firstly,compare and choose a best scheme from several bridge types;and make an overall structure design of the main span.Secondly perform the calculation of the internal force and reinforcing bar on the superstructure.Thirdly,check the intensity,stress and deflection.Finally,check the substructure..
The main points of the design are as the follows.
   1.The comparison of several bridge types;
2.The arrangement of the bridge types;
3.The units partition of the structute;
4.The calculation of the internal force of dead load;
5.The calculation of the internal force of movable load;
6.The combination of every kind of load;
7.The arrangement of prestressed reinforcing bar;
8.The calculation of the prestressed loss;
9.The check of the section intensity;
10.The check of the section stress and deflection;
11.The check the substructure.

Keywords: Prestressed conctete   T shaped supported beam bridge  Gravity pier  Gravity abutment

目    录
一、工程概况及方案比选 ………………………………………………1
(二)工程概况 …………………………………………………………1
(三)方案比选 …………………………………………………………6
二、主梁设计 ……………………………………………………………8
(三)梁毛截面几何特性计算 …………………………………………10
(四)主梁内力计算 …………………………………………………16
(五)预应力钢束的估算及其布置 ……………………………………33
(六)主梁截面几何特性计算 …………………………………………39
(七)钢束布置位置(束界)的校核 …………………………………41
(八)钢束预应力损失估算 ……………………………………………43
(九)预加应力阶段的正截面应力验算 …………………………………48
(十)使用阶段的正应力验算 …………………………………………49
(十一)使用阶段的主应力验算 ………………………………………51
(十二)截面强度计算 …………………………………………………58
(十三)锚固区局部承压验算 …………………………………………61
(十四)主梁变形(挠度)计算 ………………………………………64
三、行车道板计算 ……………………………………………………66
四、重力式桥台设计 …………………………………………………70
五、重力式桥墩设计 …………………………………………………84
(一)设计资料 ………………………………………………………84
谢    辞………………………………………………………………103


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