

时间:2020/10/14 9:22:32  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 基于Pro/E的轴装式二级圆柱齿轮减速器设计                   ...


   关键词:参数化设计; 轴装式减速器; Pro/E










The two level cylindrical shaft-mounted gear reducer design based on
Pro / E

Abstract:The role of the two cylindrical gear reducer is to transmit torque between the implementing agencies, this role is widely used in today's mechanical design.The design of the main design programming is based on the two level cylindrical shaft-mounted gear reducer data parameters, choose the motor, calculated the transmission between shafts. Design the structure of the shafts and calculate the relevant data, choose couplings and shafts etc standard parts, check-axis bending and torsion synthetic strength, make the strength check to the corresponding bonds, and calculate the bearing life of the shafts, to determine the reducer transmission part of the lubrication and sealing. Select the oil standard oil drain plug, depending on the manhole cover, ventilation hood etc reducer attachments. The overall of the reducer, use AutoCAD 2-dimensional drawing software to draw the part assembly drawing. Use the Pro/E software on various parts of the reducer, 3D modeling and assembly and motion simulation.
   Key Words: Parametric design;Shaft-mounted gear reducer;Pro/E;








基于Pro/E的轴装式二级圆柱齿轮减速器设计 1
The two level cylindrical shaft-mounted gear reducer design based on 2
Pro / E 2
0 文献综述 4
1 引言 7
2 传动方案的分析 8
2.1轴装式二级圆柱齿轮减速器传动方案 8
2.2轴装式二级圆柱齿轮减速器的工作数据 8
3 电动机的选择 9
3.1 电动机类型的选择 9
3.2 确定电动机功率 9
3.3 确定电动机转速 10
4传动比分配的计算分配和运动动力参数运算 10
4.1 总传动比 10
4.2 分配传动装置各级传动比 11
4.3 传动装置的运动和动力参数计算 11
5 传动零件的设计及计算 12
5.1 高速级直齿轮传动的设计计算 12
5.1.1 选定高速齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 12
5.1.2 按齿面接触强度设计 12
5.1.3 按齿根弯曲强度计算 14
5.1.4 几何尺寸计算 15
5.2 低速级齿轮传动设计 16
5.2.1 选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 16
5.2.2 按齿面接触强度设计 16
5.2.4 几何尺寸计算 19
6 轴的设计计算及校核 19
6.1 高速轴的轴系结构设计 19
6.1.1 高速轴的结构尺寸设计 19
6.1.2高速轴的受力分析及计算 21
6.1.3高速轴轴承的寿命校核 22
6.2 中间轴的轴系结构设计 23
6.2.1中间轴的结构尺寸设计 23
6.2.2 中间轴的受力分析及计算 25
6.2.3中间轴轴承的寿命校核 26
6.3 低速轴的轴系结构设计 26
6.3.1低速轴的结构尺寸设计 26
6.3.2低速轴的受力分析及计算 28
6.3.3低速轴轴承的寿命校核 28
6.4轴的强度校核 29
7 各轴键、键槽的选择及其校核 30
7.1高速级键的选择及校核 30
7.2中间级键的选择及校核 30
7.3低速级键的选择及校核 31
8 减速器箱体及其附件的设计 31
9润滑及密封的选择 33
9.1润滑方式的选择 33
9.1.1齿轮润滑的方式 33
9.1.2轴承润滑的方式 33
9.2密封方式的选择 33
10 减速器主要部件的建模 34
10.1 轴类零件建模 34
10.2 齿轮类零件建模 35
10.3 端盖类建模 36
10.4 箱体建模 38
10.5 轴承类零件建模 39
11 减速器的装配 40
11.1 AutoCAD下的装配图 40
11.2 Pro/E下的装配图 41
12 减速器的运动仿真 45
13 结论 50
参考文献 51
致谢 53


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