

时间:2020/10/14 9:47:38  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘    要液位传感器远程监控系统是以工业过程控制为设计蓝本;以PLC为核心的实验装置。通过该装置,学生可以进行传感、检测、监控系统的实验,提高学生的动手能力,分析、解决问题的能力。通过设计液位传感器远程监控系统实验,学生在实验过程中,能够了...

摘    要


    Level sensor remote monitoring system based on industrial process control for the design blueprint; experimental device PLC as the core. By means of which students can sensing, detection, control experimental system, to improve students' ability to analyze and solve problems. By design level sensor monitoring system remote monitoring system experiments, the students in the experiment, it is possible to understand the system's real-time information and control methods to master the basic process of industrial control, for students of engineering knowledge and practical ability is important.
    This topic through remote monitoring system design level sensor test monitoring system, PLC control system composed understand; learn to use HMI development software development and design Kingview monitoring system;; training S7-200PLC module electrical wiring and other devices to learn use PC software to monitor the health of PLC; learn to put into operation with a PC system monitoring software; learn how to use PC monitoring software for PID control, learn to run the operating method based on configuration content design and development of monitoring and control of the king and the PLC include: landing interface, trend curve interface, report interface.
    The experimental monitoring system developed by the actual debugging, results showed that the experimental monitoring system and PLC communication is successful, enter the normal operation mode under PLC View operation, it is possible to manage the experiment, the system can be put into operation experiments, experiments can be performed PID control system, to achieve the development requirements of the corresponding function.

Keywords: liquid level sensor remote monitoring systems; experimental monitoring system; kingview; PID; PLC

目    录
摘    要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 5
1.1液位传感器远程监控系统介绍 5
1.2液位传感器远程监控系统的现状 6
1.3本课题的设计内容及要求 7
第二章 液位传感器远程监控系统实验总体方案 8
2.1 主电路图 8
2.5 液位传感器远程监控系统的I/O设备 8
2.6 液位传感器远程监控系统的梯形图 9
2.7液位传感器远程监控系统及控制流程图 11
2.7.1液位传感器远程监控系统的工作流程 11
2.7.2液位传感器远程监控系统的检测和执行机构配备 11
2.7.3液位传感器远程监控系统的监控系统配置 14
2.7.4液位传感器远程监控系统控制流程图 14
2.5液位传感器远程监控系统PLC系统 17
2.5.1 S7-200 CUP226 CN 17
2.5.2 EM231 CN 6ES7 201-0H022-0XA0 18
2.5.3模拟输出模块EM232 6ES 7 232-0HB22-0XA8 19
2.6液位传感器远程监控系统测量与执行系统 19
2.6.1温度变送器 19
2.6.2液位变送器 20
2.6.3压力变送器 21
2.6.4变频器 22
2.6.5功率调整模块 23
2.6.6电动调节阀 23
2.7液位传感器远程监控系统的主体框架 23
第三章 液位传感器远程监控系统实验设计 25
3.1实验内容设计 25
3.1.1面向对象及实验目的 25
3.1.2实验方法设计 26
3.2实验接线设计 27
3.2.1液位传感器远程监控系统基本接线设计 27
3.2.5监控系统接线训练 33
3.3液位传感器远程监控系统PID参数实验设计 33
3.3.1系统实验前知识准备 33
3.3.2 PID控制训练设计 36
第四章 液位传感器远程监控系统实验系统软件开发 37
4.1液位传感器远程监控系统软件的构架 37
4.2变量与I/O定义 38
4.2.1变量类型 38
4.2.5变量的数据类型 39
4.2.6特殊变量类型 40
4.3软件画面的设计 41
4.3.1登陆界面设计 41
4.3.2实验界面的设计 42
4.3.3子界面设计 42
4.3.4动画连接 43
4.3.5用户定义 45
第五章 通信与调试 46
5.1建立与PLC的通信 46
5.2运行调试调试 48
总结与展望 53
参考文献 54
致    谢 55


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