

时间:2020/10/14 9:47:42  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘要本文所研究的是交流异步电动机的参数及机械特性的测量。交流异步电动机是各行各业中使用最广泛的电动机。因为其构造简单,运行可靠,效率较高,价格低廉以成为各种轻、重工业企业不可缺少的机电设备。从广义上讲电动机就是电能转化成机械能的机电设备。在它的发展历程中,经历了漫长的时期...



This paper studied the exchange of AC asynchronous motor parameters and the measurement of mechanical properties. AC asynchronous motor is the most widely used in various sectors of the motor. Because of its simple structure, reliable operation, high efficiency and low prices to a variety of light and heavy industrial enterprises of the electrical and mechanical equipment indispensable. In broad terms the motor is converted into mechanical energy of the electrical and mechanical equipment. In the course of its development, after a long period of time. The general category of motor has many uses can be divided into the drive by using electric motors and motor control; according to the structure of the rotor can be divided into motor and wound squirrel-cage motors and so on.As a result of a variety of different electrical parameters, use is also more selective at the time. Therefore, before using the electric motor, its parameters and mechanical properties of the proper use of electric motors and electric motors to improve the utilization rate is very necessary. During the graduation project, I selected a laboratory as a standard asynchronous motor for the determination of experimental and computational requirements.
Key words: AC induction motor; parameters; mechanical properties

1绪论 1
1.1交流异步电动机的应用及优点 1
1.2国内外发展概况 2
2总体设计方案 4
3电路及相关设备简介 6
3.1交流异步电动机 6
3.1.1交流异步电动机的结构及各部分的作用 6
3.1.2交流异步电动机的工作原理 6
3.1.3交流异步电动机的机械特性 8
3.1.4交流异步电动机的保护电路 8
3.1.5交流异步电动机的控制 12
3.1.6变压器 12
3.1.7三相调压器 14
3.1.8电枢反应 16
3.2直流电动机 17
3.2.1直流电动机的构造 17
3.2.2直流电动机工作原理 17
3.2.3直流电动机的特点 18
3.2.4直流电动机四种励磁方式各及自的特点 18
3.2.5两个定理与两个定则 18
3.2.6整流滤波 20
3.3仪器仪表 20
3.3.1电桥 20
3.3.2功率表 21
3.3.3转速表 21
4电动机的参数及机械特性测量 23
4.1实验设备 23
4.2实验步骤 26
4.2.1静态法 26
4.2.2直流电压法 26
4.2.3电桥法 27
4.2.4堵转试验 27
4.2.5机械特性测量 28
5测量数据及数据误差分析 32
5.1测量数据 32
5.2数据及误差分析 34
5.2.1二瓦特计法测功率分析 34
5.2.2.数据分析 35
5.2.3误差分析 35
5.3调试分析 35
结论 37
致谢 38
参献考文 39


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