摘 要
The energy crisis is one of the biggest challenge that we have ever faced. Wind electric power generating, which is a reproducible resource that have large-scale development potential, will be an important alternative energy in the future. Although the horizontal axis wind turbine is used widely, the vertical axis wind turbine has attracted the notice of us because of the extraordinary performance of it. Having much more commercial value than the horizontal axis wind turbine, the vertical axis wind turbine can be used in many areas.
This issue introduces the basic situation and phylogeny of the vertical axis wind turbine, shows us the advantages in many aspects by comparing with the horizontal axis wind turbine, and introduces the improved version of the Darrieus. The design program of the vertical axis wind turbine has been demonstrated, and the running modes of fixed angle and variable angle are designed either. Since the power generator of the wind turbine can not be available because of no standards or series are formed, so one 50kW power generator is designed in special. All the mechanisms of the vertical axis wind turbine have been designed in detail, and all the dimensions of the components are chosen either. It can be proved that the vertical axis wind turbine can meet the demands perfectly after being checked.
Key words: wind energy; vertical axis; wind turbines
目 录
第1章 绪论1
1.1 前言1
1.2 世界及我国风力发电发展现状1
1.3 国内外风力机研究现状3
1.3.1 风力机的造型3
1.3.2 水平轴风力机3
1.3.3 垂直轴风力机3
1.4 垂直轴达里厄型风力机4
1.4.1 达里厄风力机的发展历史5
1.4.2 达里厄风力机与水平轴螺旋桨风力机的比较6
1.4.3 达里厄风力机的改进7
1.5 设计选题目的及意义8
1.6 设计的主要内容及具体要求8
第2章 总体方案的论证设计9
2.1 总体结构布局的初步确定9
2.2 风力机运行方式的设计9
2.2.1 固定攻角风力机的设计10
2.2.2 可变攻角风力机的设计11
2.3 本章小结15
第3章 电机的设计16
3.1 电磁设计的依据和任务16
3.2 主要尺寸和极数的选择16
3.2.1 主要尺寸的确定16
3.2.2 极弧系数与电磁负载及的选择18
3.2.3 极数的选择20
3.3 电枢设计20
3.3.1 电枢绕组、槽数和槽型20
3.3.2 换向器的主要尺寸与电刷的选择22
3.4 磁路计算23
3.4.1 直流电机的磁路与主极漏磁系数23
3.4.2 气隙24
3.4.3 电枢齿部24
3.4.4 主极24
3.4.5 定子轭部25
3.5 电机轴的设计26
3.6 本章小结26
第4章 机械本体设计及校核27
4.1 联轴器的选取27
4.2 制动器的选取27
4.3 支承轴及其附件的设计校核28
4.3.1 支承轴最小直径的确定28
4.3.2 支承轴的校核29
4.3.3 支承轴上键的校核32
4.3.4 深沟球轴承的校核33
4.3.5 推力球轴承的的校核34
4.4 旋转支撑筒的设计及校核34
4.5 等速同向传递机构的设计及校核35
4.5.1 轴的设计35
4.5.2 齿轮的设计校核40
4.5.3 轴承的选择42
4.6 横杆的设计及校核43
4.6.1 横杆部分数据的确定43
4.6.2 下横杆的受力分析44
4.7 横杆与法兰连接处螺栓的选取及校核46
4.8 叶片与横杆连接处的设计校核47
4.8.1 连接轴的设计校核47
4.8.2 校核连接板的拉伸强度48
4.8.3 轴承的选择及校核48
4.9 本章小结49
小型风力发电机部分零部件三维图 图1 小型风力发电机叶片三维图 图2 小型风力发电机轴毂三维图 图3 小型风力发电机风力机三维图1 图4 小型风力发电机风力机三维图