摘 要
For a lot of special places, like the risk is very big, or we are difficult to reach, such as disarm bombs, unknown corresponding domains such as detection, probing deep of more dangerous situation usually need to implement the robot.It’s a main part of robot for micro pedipulator, walking robots and more than six feet, compared to the Eight Legged Robot, because of strong bearing capacity, good stability, which the meritss is simple construction, So, a large number of researchers around the world, start generally attach importance.
This paper mainly to the four bar mechanism as the main execution elements to design of micro walking the whole scheme of the four bar mechanism. Its principle is diagonal synchronization, leg activity by the structure of the crank rocker, front leg movements around the same, it detailed performance curve characteristics of the connecting rod,when the curve trajectory diagonal straight line segment, the robot is stationary, the motion trajectory when the diagonal curve is slanting line do the walking motion, robot. The miniature walking robot is mainly driven by DC servo motor, so as to drive the leg action driven synchronous belt wheel by a crank and rocker mechanism. Key word: Micro walking robot;construction;four-bar linkage;crank-rocker
目 录
1.2 机器人发展概况4
1.4 Solidworks设计基础8
1.4.1 草图绘制9
1.4.2 基准特征,参考几何体的创建10
1.4.3 拉伸、旋转、扫描和放样特征建10
1.4.4 工程图的设计10
1.4.5 装配设计11
3.1 直流伺服电机的选型计算18
3.2 传轴的设计计算19
3.3 轴承的设计计算20
致 谢21