第一章 设计方案的确定- 9 -
一 总体设计方案的确定- 9 -
二 机械部分的改造设计与计算- 10 -
(一)纵向进给系统的设计选型- 10 -
(二) 横向进给系统的设计与计算- 15 -
第二章 步进电动机的选择- 19 -
一步进电动机选用原则- 19 -
二步进电机的选型- 20 -
(一)C6140纵向进给系流步进电机的确定- 20 -
(二)C6140横向进给系流步进电机的确定- 20 -
(三)110BF003型直流步进电机主要技术参数- 20 -
(四)110BF004型直流步进电机主要技术参数- 21 -
第三章经济型数控系统选型- 21 -
第四章 电动刀架的选型- 22 -
第五章 编制零件工序及数控程序实例- 23 -
一机床改造参数的选择- 23 -
(一)车床纵向运动由Z向步进电动机控制- 23 -
(二)车床横向运动由X向步时电动机控制- 23 -
二程序设计- 23 -
(一)数控机床参数及约定- 23 -
(二) 编程参数说明- 23 -
参考文献- 27 -
体会- 28 -
1947年,Parsons公司的John Parsons着手进行一项实验,他想用空间数据控制机床加工飞机零件。1949年,Parsons公司与美国空军签定了制造第一台数控机床的合同。1951年, 美国麻省理工学院承担了这一项目。1952年,麻省理工学院(MIT)使用实验室制造的控制器和辛辛那提立式主轴展示三轴联动获得成功,这标志着数控时代的到来。到了1955年,几经改进之后,数空技术开始应用于生产。
In 1947 , John Parsons of the Parsons Corporation, began experimenting with the idea of using three-axis curvature data to control machine tool motion for the production of aircraft components . In 1949 , Parsons was awarded a U. S. Air Force contract to build what was to become the first numerical control machine . In 1951 , the project was assumed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology . In 1952 , numerical control arrived when MIT demonstrated that simultaneous three-axis movements were possible using a laboratory-built controller and a Cincinnati Hydrotel vertical spindle . By 1955 , after further refinements , numerical control became available to industry .
Early NC machines ran off punched cards and tape , with tape becoming the more common medium . Due to time and effort required to change or edit tape , computers were later introduced as aids in programming . Computer involvement came in two forms : computer aided programming languages and direct numerical control (DNC) . Computer aided programming language allowed a part programmer to develop an NC program using a set of universal “pidgin English” commands , which the computer then translated into machine codes and punched into the tape . Direct numerical control involved using a computer as a partial or complete controller of one or more numerical control machines . Although some companies have been reasonably successful at implementing DNC , the expense of computer capability and software and problems associated with coordinating a DNC system renders such systems economically unfeasible for all but the largest companies .
Recently a new tape of DNC system called distributive numerical control has been developed . It employs a network of computers to coordinate the operation of a number of CNC machines . Ultimately , it may be possible to coordinate an entire factory in this manner . Distributive numerical control solves some of the problems that exist in coordinating a direct numerical control system. There is another type of distributive numerical control that is a spin-off of the system previously explained . In this system , the NC program is transferred in its entirety from a host computer directly to the machine’s controller . Altemately , the program can be transferred from a host computer to a personal computer(PC) on the shop floor where it will be stored until it is needed . The program will then be transferred from the PC to the machine controller .
The industrial robot is a tool that is used in the manufacturing environment to increase productivity. It can be used to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs, or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to the human worker. For example, one of the first industrial robots was used to replace the nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plants. A human doing this job might be exposed to harmful amounts of radiation. The industrial robot can also operate on the assembly line, putting together small components, such as placing electronic components on a printed circuit board. Thus, the human worker can be relieved of the routine operation of this tedious task. Robots can also be programmed to defuse bombs, to serve the handicapped, and to perform functions in numerous applications in our society.
The robot can be thought of as a machine that will move an end-of-arm tool, sensor, and/or gripper to a preprogrammed location. When the robot arrives at this location, it will perform some sort of task. This task could be welding, sealing, machine loading, machine unloading, or a host of assembly jobs. Generally, this work can be accomplished without the involvement of a human being, except for programming and for turning the system on and off.
Key Words: Accuracy of Process,Project Design,Allotment,Parameter