

时间:2020/10/14 10:23:16  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要 随着我国经济的发展,城市中涌现出越来越多的高层建筑,而与之配套的电梯已成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的工具。同时,由于国家老龄化问题目益突出,低层住宅建筑(一般5层左右)同样也有使用电梯的要求。所以电梯控制的研究在现代社会有着很重要的作用,作为一名电专业的学...

With the development of China's economy, the city has emerged more and more high-rise buildings, and with the ancillary elevator has become an indispensable tool in daily life. At the same time, due to the problem of national aging prominent, low-rise residential buildings (usually about 5 layers) also use the requirements of the elevator. Therefore, the study of elevator control in modern society has a very important role, as an electric professional students, these are the automation of professional learning content, but also their own interests. In order to better work later and more in-depth understanding of the elevator control system based on single-chip, so the choice of the subject.
This topic is a five-story passenger elevator simulation control system, which has the following functions:
1. The two elevators are controlled by a set of keys, and when one presses the button, the idle elevator responds, and if the two elevators are in an idle state, the two elevators respond at the same time. To achieve control and real-time display (rising, falling state, which layer is currently in which layer to stop and other information).
2. When the power is turned on, if someone presses a layer of the button, it will stop in the corresponding layer of 4 seconds, accompanied by open and close the door of the voice prompts.
Key words: AT89S51; key scan; digital tube display; elevator control;


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