

时间:2020/10/14 10:24:33  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要    经过四年的专业课程学习,在已有专业知识的基础上,了解了当前我国变电站技术的发展现状及技术发展趋向,按照现代电力系统设计要求,确定设计一个110kV综合自动化变电站,采用微机监控技术及微机保护。 在设计过程中,...



    After four years of professional courses, based on the existing expertise on the development of our understanding of the current status of the substation technology and technology development trend, according to the modern power system design requirements, determine the design of a 110kV substation integrated automation, using computer monitoring technology and computer protection.
In the design process, closely around graduation reporting requirements, and strive to learned professional "power plants and power systems" close contact. In content, desalination tedious theoretical derivation and design argument, an effort to make the content concise, focused and theory with practice, and strive to reflect the professional development of new technology and new equipment.
    The design according to the load statistics and forecasting ×× Power Supply Bureau, ×× area in 2008 reached a load of 36MW, is expected in 2013 to 50MW. Currently the main power supply ×× area by a 50MVA transformer and a 110kV line to its power supply, power supply reliability and supply capability has been far can not meet the load requirements ×× Area, if the main transformer or line failure, will result × × area blackouts, it is necessary in the near future to build a 110kV substation. After the completion of the substation will provide power to the main ×× Area and around the county to meet the region's industrial and agricultural production and people's lives demand for electricity.
Keywords: electrical design; current calculation; electrical equipment

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