

时间:2020/10/14 10:24:45  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘 要    电气监控管理系统(ECMS),是为提高发电厂电气系统的自动化及运行管理水平,应用计算机、测量保护与控制、现场总线技术及通信技术,实现发电厂电气系统的电气运行、保护、控制、故障信息管理及故障诊断、电气性能优化等功能而提出...


第二章 Abstract

    Electric Monitoring Management System (ECMS), is to improve the plant's automation and electrical systems operation and management level, computer applications, and measurement and control, field bus technology and communication technology, electrical power plant electrical system operation, protection, control, fault information management and troubleshooting, electrical performance optimization features such as integrated automation line proposed monitoring and management system. This paper is based on Industrial Ethernet and fieldbus Power Plant Electric Automation System, describes the network architecture and interface mode ECS and DCS systems.
      Introduces the status quo power plant electrical system, electrical analysis included lack of DCS is present, suggest improvements, namely the establishment of plants with electrical monitoring and management system to achieve electrical interconnection access DCS, and maintain a certain degree of independence between the DCS and, two among those addressed by Ethernet or fieldbus contact method. According to the characteristics of the plant electrical system and the system functional requirements, design build hardware structure of electrical monitoring and management system, set up software system on this basis, and emphasis on software architecture and detailed design of the system focuses on the system for. Finally confirmed the feasibility of the system, through the practical application of the reasonableness of the results.
Keywords: Distributed Control SystemPower stationForceControl


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