(1.重庆文理学院 电子电气工程学院,重庆 永川 402160; 2. 重庆大学 动力工程学院,重庆 400044)
Investigation of the Electron Structue and Magnetism of Ag12Y Clusters
XIAO Xu-yang1,CHEN Hong-mei2
(1.School Electronics Engineering, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Yongchuan Chongqing 402160, China;
2.College of Power Engeering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044,China)
联系电话:023-xxxxxxxx ,手机:159xxxxxxxx
[摘 要]应用密度泛函理论和广义梯度近似方法研究Ag12Y团簇的稳定性、电子结构和磁性,计算了键长、束缚能、最高占据轨道、最低占据轨道、磁矩及电子分布。研究结构表明:对Ag13团簇进行原子替代使团簇更稳定,中心替代比表面替代更稳定,Ag12Y(c)稳定性最高;Ag12Y团簇电子结构都为闭壳层的满壳层;Ag12Y磁性与替代原子位置和团簇对称性有关,Ag12Y(b)对称性高,磁矩最大。
[中图分类号] O651
Investigation of the Electron Structure and Magnetism of Ag12Y Clusters
Abstract: Based on the first-principle and generalized gradient approximation, the stability, electron structure and magnetic properties of Ag12Y cluster are investigated. The binding energy, equilibria interatomic distance, the highest occupy molecule orbit,the lowest unoccupy molecule orbit, the gap between the highest occupy molecule orbit and the lowest unoccupy molecule orbit are calculated. The result shows that structers of the mixed cluster are more stable than Ag13 and have closed shell layer, Ag12Y(c) is the most stable; The place of mixed atom and symmetry property impact the magnetic moments. Ag12Y(b) has more magnetic moments and more symmetry property.
Keywords: Ag12Y cluster; Density functional theory; Magnetic properties
1 理论方法和计算过程
1.1 密度泛函理论
1.1.1 计算过程
2 结果及讨论
2.1 团簇的键长
表1 计算值ds1及实测值ds2
2.1.1 能级分布和电子结构
3 结语
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