

时间:2020/10/14 10:30:34  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 摘要人们在生活中需要安全的门禁设施,来保证自己的财产安全,各种各样的门禁系统随之而生。但随着数字化和网络化的不断发展,以前的门禁方式在鉴别方式、速度和性能方面越来越不能满足人们的需要,比如射频卡、数字密码等方式,其安全性不够高。在新的方式开发的过程中,由于人的身体特点具有...





People need in life safety entrance guard facilities, to ensure the safety of their property, and all kinds of entrance guard system. But with the continuous development of digitalization and networking, the entrance guard before way in terms of speed of identification methods, and performance is more and more can't satisfy people's needs, Such as radio frequency card, digital code, its security is not high. In a new way in the process of development, because of the human body characteristics is replication, so people focus to this, started the biometric access control system development. Fingerprint identification as a kind of biometric recognition, it has the characteristics of uniqueness and difficult to counterfeit, make it widely used in security access.
For enterprises, building security and standardization is particularly important, for people entering the building needs to strict management, and need to be kept secret floor also need to limit personnel to enter. Fingerprint identification technology can solve the problem, each person's fingerprints are equivalent to each person's identity, the fingerprint identification and management, can realize the management of the personnel. In this paper, based on fingerprint identification technology is introduced, and design a set of fingerprint entrance guard system based on STC89C52 single-chip computer, to realize the unification of the building entrance guard management and personnel management of permissions. The entrance guard system mainly includes two parts of the upper machine and lower machine .For the machine, including fingerprint identification module, liquid crystal display module, network module, relay and buzzer, controlled by single chip microcomputer. For PC, is mainly responsible for user information management, and through the network module, a machine under the multiple remote control.
Papers on the analysis of the fingerprint recognition technology development present situation and research significance of fingerprint entrance guard system, on the basis of introduced the overall framework of fingerprint entrance guard system, this paper expounds the each module's hardware and software resources. Paper first briefly introduces the fingerprint identification algorithm, and introduced the use of the fingerprint identification module, including the hardware connection and the use of the software instructions. On this basis, designed a STC89C52 MCU as the core of fingerprint entrance guard system, fingerprint identification module is responsible for identifying fingerprint, and transfer to the single chip microcomputer as a result, as a result of the single-chip microcomputer to control the liquid crystal display and a buzzer voice prompt, and the opening of the control relay, microcontroller can realize the remote communication module and the upper machine through the network. Later, the paper introduces the design of the software part, including MCU, LCD screen, fingerprint identification module and PC software design. System test part, through to the model of the system prototype test show that the system can complete the basic function and has good stability, preliminary achieved the expected design goal. In finally, the thesis has made the simple summary and expectation.
Key words: fingerprint identification; Entrance guard; Single chip microcomputer


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