

时间:2020/10/14 10:43:09  作者:  来源:  查看:0  评论:0
内容摘要: 火电厂锅炉蒸汽温度控制器软件部分设计目   录摘  要 IAbstract II第1章 锅炉整体介绍 11.1 锅炉系统概述 11.1.1发展概况 11.1.2锅炉系统分类 11. 2&nbs...


目   录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

1章 锅炉整体介绍 1

1.1 锅炉系统概述 1

1.1.1发展概况 1

1.1.2锅炉系统分类 1

1. 2 锅炉的结构和工艺流程 4

1.2.1锅炉的结构 4

1.2.2锅炉的工艺流程 9

2 锅炉控制系统总体结构设计 12

2.1锅炉控制系统 12

2.1.1燃烧控制系统 12

2.1.2过热蒸汽温度控制系统 13

2.1.3给水控制系统 13

2.1.4辅助控制系统 14

2.2锅炉系统的控制任务 14

2.2.1控制汽包水位 14

2.2.2控制过热蒸汽温度 14

2.2.3控制蒸汽压力 14

2.2.4维持经济燃烧 15

2. 3锅炉过热蒸汽温度控制系统 16

2.3.1热汽温控制框图 16

2.3.2模块简介 16

2.3.3工作原理 18

2. 4微型计算机选择 18

2.4.1总体选择方案 18

2.4.2 MCS-51简单介绍 19

3 系统控制算法设计 20

3.1 系统的数学模型 20

3.1.1控制系统方框图 20

3.1.2控制系统流程图 20

3.2 模糊控制算法设计 21

3.2.1模糊控制器 21

3.2.2 PID控制器 23

4 系统控制软件设计 25

4.1 温度控制软件程序设计的主要问题 25

4.2 温度控制软件的设计 25

4.2.1主程序 25

4.2.2中断服务程序 26

4.2.3子程序 29

5 MATLAB仿真 34

5.1计算机仿真的介绍 34

5.1.1计算机仿真的基本概念 34

5.1.2计算机仿真系统设计的过程 34

5.2控制系统仿真研究 34

5.2.1控制系统仿真的基本原理 35

5.2.2控制系统仿真的特点 36

5.3 MATLAB软件工具箱简介 36

5.4仿真研究及实时控制曲线 37

5.4.1模糊逻辑工具箱仿真 37

5.4.2 SIMULINK仿真 41

参考文献 43

致谢 44


程序清单 45





摘  要





Operation in the entire boiler, superheated steam temperature control is very important parameter. It is an important criterion for the quality of the boiler to run one of, if superheated steam temperature, steam pipe may cause damage to the superheater; superheated steam temperature is too low, will reduce the power. So in the boiler operation, superheated steam temperature stability must be maintained in the vicinity of the specified value.
This paper introduces fuzzy control in the boiler superheated steam temperature in the application of fuzzy control system of thought, and used this method to control coal-fired boiler superheated steam temperature, making the boiler superheated steam temperature even in the case of the disturbance amplitude can maintain a larger stable. Control algorithm of fuzzy control does not depend on the mathematical model of the object, the algorithm is simple, easy to implement, and the object model of time-varying interference and has strong adaptability, it can bias the size of the output to automatically adjust the output to achieve a given value. Can improve the domestic boiler combustion efficiency, fuel flexibility, load regulation performance, pollution, ash and many other unique advantages are more widely appreciated, in the electricity, heating, steam production plant to get more and more applications .
Keywords: boiler; coal; superheated steam temperature; fuzzy control; control system; MATLAB; 


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